
2019年02月19日 13:29 新浪体育综合
成功减重的关键:进行更多锻炼 成功减重的关键:进行更多锻炼

  More Exercise Is Key to Weight Loss Success



  Are clients canceling out their own progress—or not?

  许多人增加了自己的运动量,却还是不能成功减肥,最新的科学研究或许可以帮助你解决这个问题。早先的研究表明,尽管锻炼消耗热量但许多人在进行更多锻炼的同时,也增加了进食量与休息时间,从而抵消了一些减肥所需的热量缺口。肯塔基大学饮食与人体营养学系助理教授Kyle Flack博士是这项最新研究的作者,他说“这项研究否定了‘一旦你运动越多,饮食和休息的补充就会增加,实际减掉的体重就会越少’的这样一个观点。”

  New research may help solve the problem of why many people who increase their activity fail to lose weight。 Although exercise burns calories, previous studies have shown that many people compensate for the increased activity by eating and resting more, thus negating some potential weight loss benefits。 But “basically, this study disproves the notion that the more you exercise, the more you compensate and the less weight you actually lose,” said lead study author Kyle Flack, PhD, RD, assistant professor in the Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at the University of Kentucky in Lexington。


  Investigators tackled this question by randomly separating 29 sedentary men and women with overweight and obesity into two groups for 12 weeks of training。 One group burned 1,500 exercise calories per week by training for about 30 minutes 5 times per week。 The second group trained for about an hour 5 times per week, for a total of 3,000 exercise calories per week。 Investigators measured resting metabolic rate, body composition and dietary intake both before and after the program。 All participants wore activity trackers。


  Data analysis showed that members of the first group lost little if any body fat。 In contrast, most people in the second group did lose weight, and 12 out of 15 lost at least 5% of their body fat。 Study authors found that compensatory mechanisms of increased eating and resting were not proportional to the amount of energy expended。 In fact, members of both groups made similar lifestyle adjustments in response to the increased activity。


  Flack said, “Regardless of how much exercise you do, you will compensate similarly—a little over 900 kcal per week—so we better exercise more to make up for it, if we want to lose weight。 Fifteen hundred calories per week was not enough exercise, but 3,000 was。”

  该项研究可以在American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology刊物上获得。 (2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00071.2018)。

  The study is available in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00071.2018)。

  作者Shirley Archer, JD, MA







