
2018年12月20日 09:47 新浪体育综合


  Strength Ladder 


  力量训练课不比拘泥于传统的“次数、组数”模板 。干嘛不试试让它们“爬上爬下”?我们通过训练频率的迅速改变,激发客户的训练兴趣,让他们全力完成训练任务。

  Strength training classes don’t have to adhere to a classic “sets and reps” template。 Why not climb your way up and down this fun fitness ladder for a fast and furious total-body workout? Repetitions are high, but so is the frequency of change, keeping interest piqued during intense work sets。

  • 力量阶梯细节

  Strength Ladder Details


  GOAL/EMPHASIS: total-body strength training


  TOTAL TIME: 1 hour


  EQUIPMENT NEEDED: one to two sets of dumbbells, exercise mat。 Note: Have participants choose a weight that’s challenging after 15 repetitions。 Encourage everyone to keep a lighter set ready, to preserve form, if needed。


  MUSIC: 130 beats per minute or slower


  ADDITIONAL DETAILS: This workout pairs two exercises (e.g。, biceps curl and lateral raise) in a ladder format。 For example, you’ll complete one biceps curl and one lateral raise, then two biceps curls and two lateral raises, etc。, increasing reps until you reach seven of each exercise。 On the second set, you’ll start at seven reps each and decrease to one。


  Alternate upper- and lower-body ladders so that one muscle group rests while the other is working。 Transition with abdominal exercises, which are not performed as a ladder。 This gives students a welcome break from the intense class structure。

  小贴士:让学员们大声喊出次数。这样你就能更好地控场,不用给个别人数数了。有些人需要多花点时间来完成俯卧撑和弓步这组动作。此时,让学员在做完规定次数后,切换到一个恰当的拉伸姿势,例如婴儿放松式(Child’s Pose)。

  Tip: Ask class to count the reps aloud。 This will free you up to cue form and to motivate participants individually。 Another option is to introduce the exercises and allow participants to work at their own pace as you circulate the room correcting form。 Some people may need more time to complete pushup and lunge sets, for instance。 In this case, have participants meet in an appropriate stretching posture, such as child’s pose, when they finish their reps。

  • 热身(10分钟)

  Warmup (10 minutes)


  Pair a cardio exercise with a light strength exercise in the warmup。 This is a great way to introduce the class structure, increase heart rates and practice form。 Cue attendees to do the following:

  • 4个高抬腿+4个开合跳, 8

  four alternating knees and four jumping jacks, 8×

  • 宽站距深蹲(最低点停3秒)+俯卧撑手脚走, 8

  triple-pulse wide squat with walk-out pushup, 8×

  • 4个固定弓步蹲(Stationary Lunges) +单腿支撑腿伸展(Repeater Knees, 4组/每边

  four stationary lunges and four repeater knees, 4× each side

  • 正式内容(45分钟)

  Work Phase (45 minutes)


  Set One

  俯卧撑手脚走 + 过顶推举,1-7次:

  Walk-out pushup and overhead press, 1–7 reps:

  • 站在垫子边缘,哑铃放在双脚旁

  Stand at foot of mat, dumbbell on each side by feet。

  • 蹲下,手撑地,然后双手向前至俯卧撑姿势,完成一个标准俯卧撑

  Lower into deep squat, placing hands on ground, and walk out to pushup position (from knees is fine)。 Complete pushup reps。

  • 双手向后走,回到脚下。拿起哑铃,向上蹲起,然后做一个过顶推举

  Walk hands back to feet, pick up dumbbells, stand up from deep squat, and complete overhead press reps。

  交替前弓步 + 交替宽站距深蹲,1-7

  Alternating forward lunges and alternating wide squats 1–7 reps

  • 右腿前弓步,之后左腿前弓步。然后做一个宽站距深蹲,将右脚向外跨一步。收回右腿,然后左边继续(第一组做完后,我们可以累积较大的弓步及深蹲的训练量)。

  Forward lunge right, then left, and then do one wide squat, stepping R foot out to side。 Return to center and repeat L (1 rep)。 (This will add up to a lot of lunges and squats by the end of the set。)

  • 重复俯卧撑手脚走 +过顶推举,7-1

  Repeat walk-out pushup and overhead press, 7–1 reps。 

  • 重复交替前弓步+ 交替宽站距深蹲,7-1

  Repeat alternating forward lunges and alternating wide squats, 7–1 reps。

  • 注意:记得评估客户的完成情况,如果需要的话,将完成最多次数的一组降低至5次。

  Note: Evaluate your participants during the set, and, if appropriate, ladder up to just 5 reps maximum。 Do the same in the second and third sets。


  Abdominal set: Inhale knees, exhale V‘s:

  • 仰卧,屈腿卷腹,吸气

  Lie supine, draw knees in over abdominals, inhale and curl upper body in。

  • 呼气,伸腿至45度,双手举过头顶

  Exhale, extend legs to 45 degrees and reach arms overhead。

  • 收紧腹肌,下背部紧贴地面,伸展手臂至“V”形

  Keep lower back securely on ground by engaging abdominals and extend arms into “V” shape。

  • 选择:每次伸展一条腿,或只做上半身或下半身的动作

  Options: Extend one leg at a time or perform only upper or lower half of move。


  Set Two


  Biceps curl and lateral raise, 1–7 reps:

  • 弯举时,肘部相对于胸腔靠后,不要借力甩

  Perform biceps curls, keeping elbows slightly behind rib cage; use no momentum。

  • 完成弯举,将手心朝下,然后做侧平举。注意:有些训练者做这个动作的时候需要换一个轻哑铃

  Rotate hands, palms to floor, and do lateral raises leading with back of hand。 Note: It may be necessary for some attendees to switch to a lighter weight。

  • 肘关节在大多数时候伸直,但在侧平举举到肩部高度时可以微屈。

  Keep elbows mostly straight, but slightly bent, as arms lift laterally to shoulder level。

  后撤弓步 + 深蹲带提膝,1-7次:

  Reverse lunge and parallel squat with knee lift, 1–7 reps:

  • 右侧后撤弓步,然后左侧再做一次。双脚平行,做一个深蹲,然后提起右膝;再做一个深蹲,然后提起左膝(1次)

  Do reverse lunge R, then L; squat with feet parallel, then lift R knee; squat again, then lift L knee (1 rep)。


  Repeat biceps curl and lateral raise, 7–1 reps。 

  重复反弓步 + 深蹲带提膝,7-1

  Repeat reverse lunge and parallel squat with knee lift, 7–1 reps。


  Abdominal set: Mountain climbers:

  • 从平板支撑姿势开始,将膝盖向胸部靠,双膝交替做

  From plank position, bring knees in toward chest; alternate。

  • 收紧腹肌,不要把臀部撅得太高

  Keep hips low, abdominals engaged。

  • 可以加入一些变化,比如让左膝顶向右胸等,或可以在平板支撑姿势下做伸髋动作。

  Mix it up by cuing some reps in cross-body motion, or do repeaters on one side。 Allow students to enjoy the freedom of this break in structure to play with what feels best。


  Set Three

  背部伸展 + 肱三头肌俯卧撑,1-7次:

  Back extension and triceps pushup, 1–7 reps:

  • 俯卧,核心收紧,双腿伸直、胸部离地,做一个背部伸展

  From prone position, engage core and perform back extensions, lifting straight legs and chest off ground。

  • 双手置于肩关节正下方,肘紧贴胸腔

  Keep hands by shoulders and elbows tight to ribs。

  • 做一个俯卧撑,肘紧靠肋骨

  Next, ground hands and push into triceps-pushup reps, keeping elbows close to ribs。

  旋转平板支撑 + 摆髋,1-7次摆髋:

  Rotating plank with hip pulse, 1–7 pulses:

  • 从平板支撑姿势开始(可以肘支撑,亦可以手支撑)

  Begin in plank position (full plank—on forearms or hands—or from knees)。

  • 转向一边,至侧平板姿势,做一个摆髋

  Rotate to side plank and pulse hip 1×。

  • 回到俯卧平板支撑姿势下,然后再转向另一边,再做一个摆髋,此时算完成1次摆髋

  Rotate back to center and to opposite side; pulse 1×。

  • 重复,第二次旋转式做2个摆髋,第三次旋转做3个摆髋,依次做到第7次

  Repeat, increasing pulses up to 7。

  重复,背部伸展 + 肱三头肌俯卧撑,7-1

  Repeat back extension and triceps pushup, 7–1 reps。 

  重复,旋转平板支撑 + 摆髋,7-1次摆髋

  Repeat rotating plank with hip pulse, 7–1 pulses。

  • 放松(5分钟)

  Cooldown (5 Minutes)


  Hold each of the following stretches for 20–30 seconds:

  • 婴儿放松式(child’s pose
  • 下犬式(downward-facing dog
  • 弓步跪姿(kneeling lunge)拉伸髋屈肌及股四头肌
  • 跑者弓步(Runner’sLunge)  拉伸腘绳肌
  • 颈后手指交叉(fingers interlaced behind back) 胸肌
  • 肱三头肌拉伸 (triceps stretch

  作者:Pamela Light, MA







