Green Exercise: How It Benefits Your Clients
Mounting scientific evidence shows that being active in nature boosts
林中慢跑、公园骑行、沿河散步都属于“绿地运动”,以自然环境作为活动场地。越来越多的研究证明,在这种环境下进行身体活动,对人体大有裨益(Calogiuri, Patil & Aamodt 2016)。专家鼓励大众将“绿地运动”加入到训练计划中,减轻生活压力,提升整体健康水平。近来的研究结果也阐述了绿地运动背后的科学依据,该研究还罗列了一些在自然环境下锻炼的具体练习方式。
Running through the forest。 Cycling through your neighborhood park。 Walking alongside a river。 To most people, “green exercise”—intentionally being physically active in natural environments—feels good, and growing research evidence confirms its benefits (Calogiuri, Patil & Aamodt 2016)。 Here’s a look at what the latest findings tell us about why you may want to incorporate green exercise into your training programs—and even suggest specific nature-based practices for stress reduction and general well-being。
- 如何定义绿地运动
Defining Green Exercise
Green exercise is any form of physical activity that takes place in urban green spaces like city parks and campuses maintained by people or in natural green spaces with minimal human upkeep。
While the definition encompasses any physical activity in these environments, most studies done so far have examined walking, running and cycling (though some have included gardening, fishing, horseback riding and more)。 Study subjects have typically been nonexercisers, but some research has included regular exercisers and competitive athletes (Lawton et al。 2017)。
- 绿地运动的相关研究
What the Research Says
Study findings on green exercise speak loudly: The advantages of exercising in healthy, natural environments go beyond the benefits of exercising in synthetic indoor locations。 Green exercise delivers physical, mental and even spiritual rewards and has positive effects on health, well-being and athletic performance。 Being active in nature has many advantages compared with doing the same activity inside or on city streets:
- 更大程度地缓解压力
- more stress relief
- 使思维更清晰
- clearer thinking
- 提高注意力水平
- improved attention and concentration
- 提升情绪指数,增加幸福感
- enhanced mood and more happiness
- 减少焦虑
- less anxiety
- 增强自信
- greater self-confidence
- 增加活力
- more vitality
- 带来更多精神焕发的感觉
- more feelings of being refreshed
- 减轻疼痛感
- reduced pain sensations
- 在相同运动量下,疲劳度更低
- less fatigue for the same amount of physical work
- 提高夜间睡眠质量,增加睡眠时长
- improved quantity and quality of nighttime sleep
- 增强正念
- enhanced mindfulness or present-moment awareness
(Bowler et al。 2010; Lawton et al。 2017)
For sports performance, studies have identified the following advantages when athletes train and compete in green spaces:
- 提高运动表现
- enhanced performance
- 提升满足感
- increased satisfaction
- 与使用跑步机相比,在户外跑步时更为轻松
- less perceived effort when running outdoors compared with running on a treadmill
- 减轻紧张、困惑、愤怒和沮丧的不良情绪
- less tension, confusion, anger and depression
- 更精神焕发,更有活力
- more feelings of being refreshed, restored and revitalized
- 拥有更好的心情
- better mood
- 提高“光流(Optic Flow)”指数——这是一种评估运动员生理疲劳的指标,它的提高能够降低运动员的自觉运动强度,降低运动员对疲劳的敏感程度,从而能够在运动时竭尽全力。
- better “optic flow”—a cue for assessing fatigue and exertion—resulting in athletes working harder than they physiologically perceive themselves to be working
(Donnelly et al。 2016; Rogerson 2017)
在一项研究中,研究人员对128名田径运动员进行了测试。在四个绿化程度不同的场地,分别测试相应运动者的运动表现。数据分析显示,场地的绿化程度有可能和运动员的运动表现有关:大多数运动员在绿化程度最高的场地取得了最好的成绩(DeWolfe, Waliczek & Zajicek 2011)。但这些运动员是自选场地参加研究的,所以研究结果不能一概而论。针对地貌与环境对田径运动员运动表现影响的问题,还需要进一步的研究。
In one study, researchers examined performances by 128 track-and-field athletes in four locations rated for greenness。 Data analysis showed that greenness predicted performance: A majority of athletes achieved their best performances at the greenest sites (DeWolfe, Waliczek & Zajicek 2011)。 These athletes self-selected for study inclusion, so results cannot be generalized。 More research is needed on the role of landscaping and environment on track-and-field performance。
Mike Rogerson博士是英国埃塞克斯大学运动科学中心的研究员,同时也是多项绿地运动研究的作者。他指出,“将训练的生理指标数据、运动表现数据与环境调控相结合,可以使教练更好地设计训练课和计划,获得最佳的生理和心理训练效果”(Rogerson 2017)。
Mike Rogerson, PhD, a researcher at the Centre for Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Essex in Colchester, England, and author of several green-exercise studies, suggests that “combining environmental manipulations with physiology and performance data may afford new possibilities for coaches to better design training sessions and programs for optimal physiological and psychological impact” (Rogerson 2017)。
- 绿地运动的基本机制
Underlying Mechanisms
绿地运动能够促进运动者健康。进行绿地运动,可以通过增强免疫系统,提高身体的自我修复能力;可以使大脑从高度技术性工作带来的压力和过度刺激中获得必要的放松;可以通过我们对绿色的天生的亲和性来影响我们的心理和生理状态,但具体的原因仍有待确定。科学研究表明,观看自然风景的视频、在室内养植物或鲜花,或是病人在医院透过窗户观赏自然风景,甚至把教室的墙壁刷成绿色,都对身心健康有好处。该研究也可以解释另一个理论:接触大自然本身就有利于人体健康(Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017; van den Berg et al。 2016)。
Researchers theorize about why green exercise offers so many health benefits—including boosting the body’s self-healing through the immune system, giving the brain essential rest from technostress and overstimulation, and affecting our psychology and physiology through our innate affinity for the color green—but exact reasons are still to be determined。 The theory that exposure to nature is in itself beneficial to people is bolstered by studies that show that viewing videos of nature scenes, having indoor foliage or flowers, seeing nature through a hospital room window, or simply having green classroom walls boosts mental and physical well-being and performance (Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017; van den Berg et al。 2016)。
在一项研究中,当14名室内自行车手观看一段分别为红色、绿色或灰色的户外自行车课程视频时,埃塞克斯大学的研究人员发现,在观看天然绿色视频时,参与者受到的的情绪干扰最小,RPE最低。研究作者指出,他们的研究结果指出了一种潜在的认知机制,这潜在的认知机制能够解释“为何绿地锻炼能够使人受益”的问题。(Akers et al。 2012)
For example, when 14 indoor cyclists were exposed to a tinted red, green or achromatic gray video of a rural cycling course, University of Essex researchers found that participants had the least mood disturbance and lowest rating of perceived exertion while they were watching the natural green video。 Study authors noted that their findings pointed to potential cognitive mechanisms underlying the benefits of green exercise (Akers et al。 2012)。
Other positive aspects of green exercise include sensory stimulation, which awakens present-moment awareness; physical challenge and the self-confidence gained from achievement; a sense of play; and feelings of connection with nature and with the family, friends and pets with whom we’re sharing the outdoor time。
- 研究局限
Research Limitations
进行对绿地运动的研究,必须要考虑其他潜在因素对研究结果所产生的影响。一些人认为绿地运动使人受益,仅仅是因为运动者进行了身体活动。研究人员进行了运动分析,在控制了运动强度水平和运动类型后,发现绿地训练还是更具有优势(Bowler et al.2010年)。其他研究人员认为,和音乐一样,自然环境能够积极性地分散运动者运动时的注意力。
Any effort to study effects of physical activity in green spaces must account for other potential influences on research outcomes。 Some argue that green-exercise benefits are simply due to physical activity, but researchers have conducted analyses that still find advantages after controlling for activity level and type (Bowler et al。 2010)。 Other researchers suggest that, like music, nature is a way to positively distract participants as they exercise。
一些研究表明,在进行科学研究的情况下,自然环境的概念需要进行更清晰的界定,因为在荒芜环境下运动比在森林环境中运动的好处要小得多(Lawton et al。 2017)。其他研究发现,一个人与自然环境的情感联系,以及他之前在自然环境中的经历,是他从绿地运动中获益的重要原因。而将人单纯地暴露在自然环境之中,不产生共鸣,并不会促进训练收益。(Lawton et al。 2017)关于这个问题,需要进行更多后续研究。
Some studies show that the notion of nature needs clear definition in research contexts, because activity in wild settings has less positive results than exercising in tended forest environments (Lawton et al。 2017)。 Other studies have found that a person’s sense of connectedness to nature or his or her past experiences with natural environments, rather than mere exposure to them, are keys to experiencing benefits from green exercise (Lawton et al。 2017)。 More research is required。
- 你准备好进行户外运动了吗?
Ready to Take It Outdoors?
作为健身专业人士,我们发现现代生活方式剥夺了大众日常生活中的自然体力活动。因此,我们需要保持锻炼习惯,维持健康。现代生活方式同时也对人们的户外活动产生了影响。美国人和加拿大人平均每天有87%的时间待在建筑物里,6%的时间待在汽车里,只有7%的时间用于户外活动,走路去商店买东西的时间包括在内,因此我们在大自然中活动的时间就更少了。(Klepeis et al。 2001)现代生活方式不仅限制了绿地运动,也限制了人们获得新鲜空气和阳光,同时影响着我们睡眠调节、食欲、情绪和能量水平等功能的昼夜节律。
As fitness professionals, we know that modern living has stripped natural physical activity from daily life, requiring us to integrate doses of exercise to maintain health, but are we considering how modern living has also eliminated most outdoor activity? Americans and Canadians spend an average of 87% of their day in buildings and 6% in cars, leaving just 7% for outdoor time, and that includes walking to stores, so even less time is available for being active in nature (Klepeis et al。 2001)。 This limits not only green exercise but also access to clean air and sunlight—affecting circadian rhythms that regulate sleep, appetite, mood and energy levels。
世界卫生组织(WHO)意识到,城市绿地和社区体育活动之间存在着重要联系,能够提高人们的幸福程度和健康程度。(WHO 2016)欧洲联合国会员国承诺:“在2020年之前,会为每个孩子提供健康和安全的生活环境,让孩子们能够步行或骑车去幼儿园、去学校,并为孩子们的娱乐及身体训练提供绿地空间”
Based on significant scientific evidence, the World Health Organization now recognizes the link between urban green spaces and more community-based physical activity, with resulting improvements in health and well-being (WHO 2016)。 European member states of the United Nations have made a commitment “to provide each child by 2020 with access to healthy and safe environments and settings of daily life in which they can walk and cycle to kindergartens and schools, and to green spaces in which to play and undertake physical activity。”
了解绿地运动的相关研究我们知道,在大自然中进行身体活动对大脑、身体以及精神都是有益的。环境学家John Muir曾说过:“每个人都需要美,不仅需要面包,还需要玩耍和祈祷的地方。大自然可以治愈身体,并赋予我们灵魂力量。”
With an understanding of current green-exercise research, we’re reminded that being active in nature is restorative to brain, body and spirit。 “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,” said environmentalist John Muir。
Perhaps it’s time to take some barefoot walks in the grass。
- 大自然的力量
Forces of Nature
身处于大自然中能够使人获得健康,科学界对此已有许多正面的研究结果。已经有一些组织和医疗中心开始采用生态疗法、自然疗法或“森林浴”,作为对某些心理健康问题患者、癌症患者和一些慢性病患者的补充治疗。(Shin, Shin & Yeoun 2012;Nakau等人,2013)
Positive research findings regarding the health benefits of being in nature have motivated organizations and medical centers to offer ecotherapy, nature therapy or “forest bathing” as complementary care for people with certain mental health issues, cancer and some chronic diseases (Shin, Shin & Yeoun 2012; Nakau et al。 2013)。
- 生态疗法(Ecotherapy)或自然疗法(Nature Therapy)。在英国,生态疗法的内容不仅仅局限于体力活动,它包括任何可以改善身心健康的户外活动。包括但不限于与动物建立联系的活动、荒野保护活动和与工艺品有关的活动等。慈善组织Mind将生态疗法定义为“由训练有素的治疗师引导的,通过进行不同的活动来建立与自然的平衡关系,从而使你获得健康”(Mind 2015)。自然疗法被定义为一种有着“预防功效”的疗法,这种疗法将身体置于自然环境的刺激下,使人处于生理放松状态,在增强人体免疫功能的同时,还能预防疾病。(Hansen, Jones &Tocchini 2017)
Ecotherapy or nature therapy。 In the United Kingdom, the concept of ecotherapy goes beyond physical activity to include any outdoor activity that improves mental and physical well-being—including, but not limited to, intentional work with animals, wilderness protection, and arts and crafts。 The charitable organization Mind defines ecotherapy as a program “where a trained therapist leads you through different activities to develop a balanced relationship with nature that benefits your well-being” (Mind 2015)。 Nature therapy is defined as “a set of practices aimed at achieving ‘preventive medical effects’ through exposure to natural stimuli that render a state of physiological relaxation and boost the weakened immune functions to prevent diseases” (Hansen, Jones &Tocchini 2017)。
- 森林浴(Shinrin-Yoku 或Forest Bathing)。在日本,“森林浴”被认为是一种预防疗法,是一种让人们在森林中行走的传统锻炼方式。日本林业局已经指定多条国家小路作为森林疗法的专用通路,这一政策也被其他国家所效仿。森林浴不是为了锻炼,而是为了缓解压力,训练者可以动用全部五种感官系统,用心去体会大自然。(Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017)
- Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing。 Forest bathing, considered preventive medicine in Japan, is a traditional Japanese practice that involves walking mindfully in a forest。 Japan’s Forestry Agency has designated multiple national trails as forest therapy trails, a policy that is influencing other countries to follow。 Forest bathing is not for exercise; it is primarily for stress reduction and focuses on mindfully encountering nature with all five senses (Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017)。
- 来自自然疗法导师的见解
华盛顿的Clare Kelley将她的瑜伽与普拉提导师经历与森林浴和自然疗法相结合。“我的两种背景能够帮助人们理解环境与身体的相互作用机制,并帮助他们改善生活质量。如果我让练习者做那些能使身体感觉良好的、强度轻缓的、方式简单的运动,他们就能更好的融入大自然,并变得玩性大发。有一次森林之旅,我们做了一些强度低缓的练习后,一位练习者站在树前,并给了大树一个大大的拥抱!还有一个人爬到了山顶,像她小时候那样沿着山坡滚了下来。森林浴和生态疗法的结合给我们带来了享受自然的乐趣。”
- ANature Therapy Guide Shares Her Insights
Clare Kelley of Washington, D.C。, blends her experience as a yoga and Pilates instructor with her role as a certified forest and nature therapy guide。 “Both backgrounds go together well and help people understand how the environment and movement play a role in improved quality of life。 If I start participants with gentle, intuitive movements that feel good in their own body, they’re more likely to interact with the forest and become playful。 On one of my walks, after we did light movement, one participant bee-lined for a tree and gave it a giant hug! Another went to the top of the hill and rolled down, like she used to as a little girl。 There’s a natural playfulness that the combination of the two areas brings out in us。
- “我把这种美妙的感受带回了健身课堂。我们开始与自己的身体和周围的世界建立更和谐的关系。这种感受能够减轻学员们的压力,使他们不去过分苛求完美;让他们有更多的空间去玩乐,并提醒他们让自己身体去享受当下最美妙的时光。
- “I bring this [enjoyment of the sensory experience] back to the fitness classroom。 We start to develop a friendlier relationship to our body and to the world around us。 I find [this emphasis] guides students toward feeling less pressure to be perfect and having more room to play and remember what their bodies are here for—to enjoy the time we have, right here, right now。”
- 附录
Organizations exist throughout the world to support nature activity for health and well-being。 Check out the following to learn more:
自然 & 森林相关组织
Association of Nature & Forest
l 参考文献References
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Bowler, D.E。, et al。 2010。 A systematic review of evidence for the added benefits to health of exposure to natural environments。 BMC Public Health, 10 456。
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作者: Shirley Archer, JD, MA