
Venezuela got last place in the Cup

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年08月02日18:11  SINA.COM

  AUG 2nd

  Sinasports-Today is the last day of the 3rd Stankovic cup. The first game of the day were between Venezuela and New Zealand. New Zealand defeated Venezuela 76-73 and Venezuela ended their tournament without a win.

  In the first quarter, New Zealand used their outside offense to took control of the game. They extended their lead to double digit when they hit the sixth 3-pointers in the first quarter. At the end of the first quarter, New Zealand led the game 25-19.

  New Zealand continued to attack form outside in the second quarter. They hit 9 3-pointers in the first half and led 43-34 into the second half.

  Venezuela's 3-pointer opened the second half but New Zealand was better, they maintained their lead. In the final quarter, Venezuela was only down by 3 in the final minute. But as their last 3-pointer missed out, they could only accept the last place in the Stankovic Cup.


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