Can a Short Bout of Cardio Affect Motor Skill Learning?
据《NeuroImage》报道,在学习一种新的运动技能后,人们应该立即进行15分钟左右的有氧练习,这种方式将有助于增强肌肉的长期记忆。作为这项研究的发起者,蒙特利尔大学的助理教授Fabien Dal Maso说:“这种有氧练习方式对于机体恢复和大脑神经系统都有许多益处。”通过这项研究,人们尝试探索大脑中有关技能学习的具体机制,并发现有氧训练能够能够影响技能学习的巩固阶段。
Fifteen minutes of aerobic exercise done immediately after practicing a new motor skill improves long-term retention of that skill, according to findings reported in NeuroImage(2018; doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.029). Lead study author Fabien Dal Maso, assistant professor at the University of Montreal, said, “This shows that exercise is not only good for the body; it is good for the brain.” Researchers conducted the study to explore brain mechanisms underlying motor learning and the impact of cardiovascular exercise on motor memory consolidation.
Subjects were asked to practice a grip exercise requiring varying degrees of force. Afterward, some participants rested, while others did 15 minutes of aerobic exercise. Subjects underwent a variety of assessments, including skill retention tests, 8 and 24 hours after motor practice. Investigators found that those who had done the aerobic exercise had better motor skill retention 24 hours later. They had less brain activity when they repeated the motor skill task, indicating that they were connecting different areas of the brain more efficiently than those who had rested.
研究人员在测试后得出结论,在技能训练之后立即进行有氧训练是有助于动作记忆的。Dal Maso发现:有趣的是,有氧训练的益处并不体现在动作学习和训练的当天,而是在训练的第二天,经过一晚的睡眠后,大脑和身体会受益很多。
Study authors concluded that cardiovascular exercise, when performed in close proximity to motor practice, strengthens motor memories. “More intriguing is that the benefit of exercise was not seen the same day of the learning and the exercise, but the day after, following a night of sleep,” said Dal Maso.
Dal Maso说道:“目前来说,测试的动作技能类型仅限于有限几种关节的运动。事实上,有氧训练对于全身的动作技能学习的积极作用仅仅是一种假设,现在并没有任何文献支持。现阶段这只是一项针对脑中风患者恢复训练的研究,在研究中,患者在进行步态再学习。”
“For now, the only type of motor skill tested [has pertained to] tasks involving a limited number of articulations,” said Dal Maso, “There are hypotheses that [aerobic exercise] can also have a positive effect on motor skill involving the full body, but to my knowledge, nothing has been published yet. Actually, this is a work in progress in stroke survivors [who are trying] to relearn gait, for instance.”