作为目前国内唯一获得国际认证(BHS Approved)的最高星级马术俱乐部,北京天星调良国际马术俱乐部自1999年建场以来,一直以踏实、稳健的作风积极从事马术基础培训,组织和参加国内外赛事,推广群众马术运动,促进国内外马术运动交流,是业内公认的老牌马术文化传播者和实践者。现有马匹150余匹{含欧洲进口温血马:比利时温血马BWP(Belgian Warmblood)、荷兰温血马KWPN(Royal DutchWarmblood)、德国霍士丹马HOL(Holsteiner)、法国塞拉法兰西SF(Selle Francais)、 葡萄牙卢西塔诺马(Lusitano)和美国夸特马(American Quarter Horse)等}, 10余年富有经验的专业培训体系和出色的马匹寄养及管理服务为俱乐部树立了良好的口碑。
本俱乐部为中国马术协会团体会员、中国马业协会团体会员、北京马术协会团体会员。无论场馆基础设施建设,还是技术人员与马匹质量,均为全国一流水平。自2006年,北京天星调良国际马术俱乐部先后获得国内马术俱乐部最高星级认证及国内唯一国际马术培训及考试中心认证、国内唯一国际马术骑乘中心认证和国内唯一国际马主马房管理认证。同时,天星调良马术也是国内唯一 一家比利时温血马协会尊贵会员单位。俱乐部的所有执教教练员均拥有英国马会(British Horse Society,简称BHS)认证资质。
Being the only BHS approved club and the highest ranked equestrian club in China, Equuleus has been active since its establishment in 1999 in teaching, organizing and competing in domestic and international competitions, promoting equestrian sport, and facilitating equestrian-related communication between China and foreign countries。 We are well recognized as an equestrian promoter and practitioner。 Equuleus owns about 150 horses, including many imported from Europe, and has more than ten years of experience in providing professional training and livery services。
As a member of the Chinese Equestrian Association, the China Horse Industry Association and the Beijing Turf & Equestrian Association, Equuleus enjoys top facilities, trainers, and horses。
As of 2006, Equuleus has been awarded the accolades of Highest Ranking Riding Club, BHS Approved Training & Examination Centre, BHS Approved Riding Centre and BHS Approved Livery Yard, as well as the Premium Belgian Warmblood Horse Centre。 All coaches at Equuleus are certified by the British Horse Society。 Riders from over 40 countries train at Equuleus, young riders as well as adults, including businessmen and women, embassy staff and executives of both domestic and foreign companies。 Equuleus has become a home for equestrian enthusiasts and a centre for equestrian training and breeding。 The professional equestrian team at Equuleus comprises excellent coaches。 Each year the club participates in both international and domestic competitions such as FEI Show Jumping Challenges, National Show Jumping Championships, National Elite Competitions, National Equestrian Masters’ Competition, etc。。
Equuleus also organizes and hosts in-house competitions of different levels and disciplines (show jumping and dressage)。 For example, CHINA OPEN Jumping & National Young Riders Cup has successfully been held twice in 2015 and has received positive coverage by both domestic and international media。 Each year Equuleus invites coaches, vets, farriers and dentists from the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium and Australia to care for and work with its horses。 Our staff also have opportunities to study and train abroad。
Designed by a famous architect, Equuleus’ clubhouse was opened at the beginning of 2014。 It includes a ballroom, restaurant, cigar & wine bar, saddlery shop and guest rooms。 Our facilities for hosting business and cultural activities have attracted the attention of many well-known companies in the automobile, jewelry, outdoor clothing and wine industries。 With our unique equestrian culture, we have also established close relationships with both domestic and international banks, enterprises, cultural foundations, 5-star hotels, foreign hospitals, international schools and golf clubs。 Equuleus enjoys a great location just north-east of central Beijing, near the central villa districts, art galleries and international schools。 It is easily accessible, thanks to convenient transport links, while still offering a quiet, green and peaceful environment。
Welcome to Equuleus!
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