巴蒂尔:为新赛季做全面准备 要帮助火箭走的更远http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年08月28日17:25 新浪体育
火箭球员巴蒂尔今天更新了自己在新浪的博客,谈及了在新赛季开始之前的自己的准备工作。全文如下: As the season approaches, I often get asked what I do for my last month of vacation before the season starts. Although I would love to tell you that I spend my days on a beach somewhere, while I work on my tan and drink margaritas, my last month before the season is spent working hard in the gym. I like to start training camp in great shape. Every player approaches the season in a different way. Some players like to work themselves into playing shape once they get into camp, others like to put in all the hard work before camp to prepare their body. I guess it all comes down to whatever works best for that individual player. Every player must prepare their bodies at least somewhat in the summer. The NBA season is so grueling and long and the body takes quite a beating. By lifting weights, stretching, eating well, and conditioning, a player can absorb the pounding of an NBA season much better. Last year when I played in the World Championships last season, I did not feel I prepared my body as best as possible because of all the games that I played. I dedicated myself to getting stronger and better conditioned in this off season. Hopefully it will pay off in the season and I can help the Rockets advance deep into the playoffs! I just wanted to give you a quick update of my life, the season will be here before we know it! Take care friends, 当新的赛季慢慢到来的时候,我经常问自己,在新赛季开始之前的最后一个月的假期中要做些什么。尽管我很想告诉你们我假期的最后时光是在海滩上度过,晒着太阳喝着玛格丽特,可是这最后一个月的假期我是待在体育馆里努力的训练。我希望能够以最佳的状态开始训练营。每个球员迎接新赛季的方法都不一样。有些人希望一旦进入训练营,自己就会进入比赛状态;而有些人则希望通过努力的训练让身体机能在训练营开始之前就做好全面的准备。我想这应该是因人而异的。 每个球员在夏天多少都会做些身体上的准备。NBA的赛季是如此的漫长,对于球员的身体来说是巨大的考验。通过举重,拉伸,饮食调整,以及系统训练,一个球员才能更好的接受NBA赛季的考验。 去年,当我出征世界男篮锦标赛的时候,因为我打了所有的比赛,所以我觉得自己并没有为接下来的赛季做好身体上的准备。因此,我决定要全力投入让自己变得更强壮,更好。希望能够在赛季中收到效果。从而能够帮助火箭在季后赛走的更远。 我只是想给你们我的生活最新的状况,不知不觉中,新的赛季就要到来了! 保重,朋友!
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