
Interview: Garth Cusick(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:05  新浪体育

  What are the particular experiences on the Omega China Tour that you most enjoy?

  Travelling with the Chinese players because they are such characters. Most of them have 'played' their way to the Tour. They started as caddies and learnt the game themselves and are now 'living the dream'.

  Which of the Chinese players have most impressed you and why?

  Zhang Lianwei. He went where no-one else had been. He’s a living pioneer of professional golf in China

  What do you see as the biggest strengths of the Chinese pros you have played with?

  Their ability to play the game without caring about their off-course situation

  What do you see as the biggest weaknesses or the areas where they can improve?

  The short game and their willingness to travel to a foreign tour to test their skills

  What advice do you have for Chinese pros looking to improve their game in both the short and long term?

  Find a sponsor who can secure an income stream and then find a professional coach to work with.

  What’s the main ‘missing ingredient’ that the Chinese players on the Omega China Tour require if they’re to compete at a higher level, such as on the Asian Tour?

  An awareness that they’re not doing what the players from others Tours are doing.

  In 2007, the Tour decided to invite up to two players from each of Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong, and this year this was supplemented by 10 foreign PGA members resident in Greater China. Do you think this gradual ‘opening up’ of the Tour has been successful?

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