
Interview: Garth Cusick

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:05  新浪体育

  In the latest in a series of interviews with foreign players on the Omega China Tour, Australian Garth Cusick talks about life in Beijing and playing with the ‘characters’ on the circuit.

  How long have you been in China and what are the most interesting aspects of living in China?

  I’ve been here since March 2004. The most interesting aspects for me are the differences in the business culture. Living in Beijing allows me to visit a lot of historical sites and experience the Olympics. Coming from Australia we do not have such temperature variances so the weather is a daily reminder of living in China.

  What are your overall impressions of the Omega China Tour after your first few appearances?

  I've only been able to play in three events so far, but the friendships I’ve made with fellow players have been a real highlight. The Tour is run so well. I’m very surprised at the organisation that has been achieved by such a large amount of people from different backgrounds working together to achieve a common goal. The golf courses I’ve played have been in excellent condition and luckily we’ve received great weather in each of the events.

  What are the biggest differences between the Tour in comparison to the circuits you have played on in other parts of the world?

  Language and prize money

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