
Interview: Garth Cusick(3)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:05  新浪体育

  The opening up has allowed a smooth transition for the local players to accept that they’ll have to learn to compete with other nationalities eventually if they’re serious about their career in golf.

  Aside from the Tour, what does the golf industry in China require to produce better amateur and professional players?

  Government support

  Golf in China is still very new. Which foreign PGAs would act as a good role model if the CGA was to seek help or assistance in order to best develop golf in China?

  Korea, New Zealand and Australia

  Finally, do you have any last comments on the Tour that you would like to share?

  I’d like to schedule the events in the same region, so we’re not traversing the country as much and allow dual-tour membership holders easier travel.

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