报名-第八届“张连伟”杯国际青少年高尔夫球赛(7)http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年07月11日19:23 新浪体育
All official staff’s charges will be borne by competition committee; other non-official staff’s fee will be borne by themselves. 16.赛事指定酒店
从11日起每天安排穿梭巴士往返于酒店和球场之间 Tournament Official Hotel Shuttle bus between hotels to club house will start from 11th August. 17.本规程的最终解释权属于赛事主办单位 In the event of dispute, Tournament Committee’s decision is final without further explanation. 18.联系方式 朝向管理集团 地址:深圳市福田区特区报业大厦28层A区 电话:0755-83515985 传真:0755-83516777 联系人:黄诘浈、杨美华 Contacts Forward Group Address: Block A, 28/F, Special Zone Daily Building Tel: +86 755 83515985 Fax: +86 755 83516777 Contact person: Ms. Carrie Huang & Ms. Peggy Yang 不支持Flash