报名-第八届“张连伟”杯国际青少年高尔夫球赛(3)http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年07月11日19:23 新浪体育
12.5 junior players recommended by other co-sponsors. (二)Age under 18 (before 2008/08/14 24:00) will draw as below 15-17 Boys & Girls (Group A) 13-14 Boys & Girls (Group B) 11-12 Boys & Girls (Group C) 9-10Boys & Girls (Group D) Below 8 Boys & Girls (Group E) 8.竞赛办法 1.11-12岁、13-14岁、15-17岁年龄组的比赛采用两轮36洞(即每轮18洞)比赛的方式,根据每名选手两轮(36洞)的总杆成绩排定个人名次。 2.8岁以下、9-10岁年龄组的比赛采用两轮18洞(即每轮9洞)比赛的方式,根据每名选手两轮(18洞)中的总杆成绩排定个人名次。 3.根据每位选手比赛的总杆数累计总成绩,杆数低者名次列前。如各组的第一名出现平分,则采取“骤死式”逐洞赛决定;第二、三名并列时则以倒计数的方式决定名次,即首先看最后一轮的成绩,若相同则看最后九洞的成绩,仍然相同则采取从最后一洞逐洞倒计数的方式决定。如仍相同则采用抽签的方式来决定名次。本规程的最终解释权属于赛事主办单位 4.比赛时必须穿着高尔夫球服装,专用球鞋,自备比赛器材。 5.A、B组参赛球员比赛期间不可使用球童必须自行背包参赛;C组球员可使用手推车;D、E组每位球员必须配备一名名商球会的球童。赛事组委会将在每组配备一名记分球童。所有的选手家长不允许担当球童工作。 Competition Rules 1.11-12 group,13-14 group and 15-17 group will be decided by stroke play over two rounds of 18 holes. 2.Below 8 group and 9-10 group will be decided by stroke play over two rounds of 9 holes. 3.The competition placing will be based on the two days lowest total score. In case of a tie after 2 rounds, the winner will be decided by play-off by stroke play. If the tie second and tie third place will be decided by score of at the last round, if same score the last round, place will be decided by score of the last 9 holes; if same again, place will be decided by the last hole; if all the score are same, place will be decided by draw. Tournament Committee reserves the right to make the final decision. 不支持Flash