卢克-唐纳德的日记:期待美国公开赛http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年06月08日11:54 新浪体育
Mizuno球杆伴我左右 新浪体育讯 还是业余选手的我,在看到当时Mizuno的签约选手Faldo打球后,就开始使用Mizuno的铁杆了。我生命中即将要发生的两件大事件,而且一件比一件重要!我将和戴安娜(Diane)在6月24日举行婚礼,在奥克蒙特(Oakmont)赢得美国公开赛(6月14日-17日举行)后的那个周末?这场胜利将是我们最好的结婚礼物了! 进入大师赛的前十名,这对我来说已经是一个很好的结果了,但我知道我可以做得更好。我非常期待在奥克蒙特的比赛,并且我知道我去那里不仅仅只是为了露个面。但当周四来临时,我没有过多地去想比分或者是成绩,更重要的是我要放松去享受着去打比赛。我在比赛中积累了很多经验,比如在去年的美国PGA锦标赛(US PGA Championship)上,.与老虎伍兹一起领先并在最后一轮中决出胜负。 通过这些你可以了解自己更多一点,并且知道自己如何适应这种压力。和老虎伍兹一起比赛而在最后输给他6洞后,你可以设法弄清楚你哪里做的不对和下次怎样才能做得更好。 比如在压力下,我可能会紧张地看着草皮,挥杆也不如平常流畅。老虎伍兹在球场上的表现却好得难以置信,并且我在前6个洞的运气也稍微差了些。 当然美国公开赛对欧洲选手来说是种考验。 Justin在赢得大师赛后变得非常有希望。在某种意义上,成为谈论的焦点是件好事。它意味着你打得很好并且你有机会取胜。你成为媒体关注的焦点,而他们期待你更好的发挥。但当在周四的奥克蒙特第一轮比赛开始后你就得把这所有的一切抛在一边。有的时候这实在很难做到。在打完纪念日赛(The Memorial Tournament)后我将在美国公开赛开始的一周前在奥克蒙特打比赛。我曾经也有过一次这样的经历,好像是在五年前,球场留给我的回忆只有嘲讽。 在我的日历上美国公开赛后对我来说是真正的大日子。我们在希腊的Santorini,黛安娜的故乡结婚了。我特地请了几个球手。 我知道Sergio会来。 我将有两个伴郎,我的兄弟Christian 和 Andrew。 可以再次回到欧洲真是太好了,我也可以花更多时间陪伴家人。在美国生活我感觉很舒适,不过有些事情却更有价值——比如可以如此接近我的故乡Wentworth。我在星期一抵达,以便接受《Golf Monthly》和《Golf World magazines》的一些访谈和教学片。 背着Mizuno球杆上路 有个记者问起我作为业余选手打球的事情,于是我们谈到了球具之类的话题。 Mizuno的员工听到我作为业余选手时曾用Mizuno的铁杆很高兴,这是在我看到Faldo(我曾经的一位偶像)也是Mizuno主要的赞助选手后开始使用的。我非常喜欢他,因为他精确地计算挥杆来确定自己的打球路线。我也是这样确定了自己的打球方式——我想这也是为什么Mizuno铁杆同样适合我们两个的原因。在蜜月之后,我将开始接下来的欧洲之行,苏格兰公开赛,然后是高尔夫锦标赛。 我不可能说得出原因为什么我这个赛季还没有赢得一项冠军,不是因为我的个人生活或者是身体状况。它只是还没有发生。我觉得我已经准备好去赢得大多数的比赛。我也曾经有几个非常接近的机会去赢,这足以证明我是可以赢得更多的冠军的。 我知道为什么我没有赢得PGA锦标赛的冠军,第三洞是关键。在第四轮后我以6洞落后排在第三位。在Wentworth似乎总是这样。似乎总是有一个洞要困扰着我。我也以三洞落后排在15位。再加上,我也没有太多的推杆。 所以总体来说,在某种意义上只落后三位也是可喜的。我也曾经有一个非常可喜的推杆。在打出一个老鹰球后我在最后一轮后排在第12位。Christian在推杆前给我看了成绩统计,我本打算在第一个11洞推2杆。但是我决定要做一些改变,完成一记长推,大约60英尺! 我目前正在用一种与以往略微不同的Bettinardi推杆。这款推杆的头部和我原先的用杆非常相似,但颈部略有改变,我觉得这样我打直线球更好些。我对这个新的高尔夫推杆非常满意,从15英尺处推直线球的水平明显好了很多。这款推杆的金属部分完全是浑然一体的,它们非常适合我。 除了这个高尔夫推杆,我还没有真正试用太多其他的东西。我是要更换挖起杆,只是同样型号的挖起杆换成新杆的。但我还没有开始做,到目前为止那些旧的运转得还不错。(翻译:白帆) 英文原版及连接地址: golf.mizunoeurope.com/tour/luke_donald_s_diary.php?article=2007_05_30 Luke Donald's Diary I'd used Mizuno irons as an amateur after watching Faldo who was the main guy for MizunoWe’re getting very close to two big events in my life, one much bigger than the other. Diane and I are getting married on June 24, the weekend after the US Open. Winning at Oakmont? There couldn’t be a better wedding present! Finishing 10th in the Masters was a good result but I know it could have been better. I definitely expect a lot out of my game at Oakmont and I’m not going there just to turn up. But when Thursday comes around it’s important for me not to think about scores or results but to relax and play golf. I’m getting plenty of experience at majors…like sharing the lead and playing with Tiger Woods in the last round of last year’s US PGA Championship. You learn a little bit about yourself and how you cope under that pressure. Playing with Tiger and losing by six shots, you try and figure out what you did wrong and how to do better next time. For instance, under pressure I might tense up a little bit on the greens and not get the stroke as fluid as it usually is. Tiger’s unbelievable around the greens. And I was a little bit unlucky over the first six holes. Of course there will be scrutiny on the Europeans playing in the US Open. Justin (Rose) will come under plenty after what he did in the Masters. But being talked about is a good thing in a way. It means you’re playing well and you’ve got a chance to win. You’re under the media attention and they expect a lot from you. But when it comes to hitting the first shot on Thursday at Oakmont you’ve got to put all that aside. Sometimes it’s hard to do. After playing in the Memorial I’m going to play Oakmont the week before the US Open. I’ve played it once, maybe five years ago. I just remember the greens being ridiculously slopey. After the US Open it’s the really big date in the calendar. We’re getting married in Santorini in Greece, where Diane’s family come from. I’ve invited a few players. I know Sergio’s going to come. I’m going to have dual best-men, my brothers Christian and Andrew. It was great to be back in Europe again and to be able to spend time with my family. I feel comfortable living in America but there’s something about Wentworth - being so close to my home town. I arrived on Monday to work with Golf Monthly and Golf World magazines on some interviews and instruction pieces. One of the journalists was asking me about my amateur days and we got onto the subject of equipment. The Mizuno guys were pleased to hear that i'd used Mizuno irons as an amateur after watching Faldo (who'd been one of my idols) who was the main guy for Mizuno in those days. I liked him as he really plotted his way around the golf course with precise shotmaking. I've built my game in a similar way - probably why the Mizuno irons suited us both. My next trip to Europe will come after my honeymoon…Scottish Open and then the Open. There’s nothing I can put my finger on over why I haven’t had a win yet this season. There’s nothing in my personal life or my physical game that I can point towards. It just hasn’t happened yet. I feel ready to go out and win most weeks. I’ve had a couple of close calls. If I could figure it out I think I might win a lot more. I can figure out why I didn’t win the PGA Championship. The third hole was the difference. I was six-over at the third for the four rounds. It always seems to be the same at Wentworth. There’s always one hole that seems to plague me. Also I was three-over for the 15th. Plus, I didn’t seem to make many putts. So all in all, to be only three back was pleasing in a way. I did have one very pleasing putt. It came on the 12th in the final round, when I made an eagle. Christian showed me the stats just before I went to putt and I’d two-putted the first 11 holes. So I decided to do something different and holed a long one, about a 60-footer! I’m using a slightly different Bettinardi putter. The head is very similar to my old one, the neck is slightly changed. My old model had an offset neck. This one is a bit more straight into the head of the club, same head, a little different neck. I just feel I can line the ball up a little bit better. Any time you have a putter offset there can be a tendency to pull the ball slightly. I’m very happy with this new putter. I’ve been lining up the ball much better from 15ft in. There’s been no tinkering with the irons. They’ve been treating me well. Apart from the putter I haven’t really been experimenting too much with anything. I do have to replace wedges; just the same (model) wedges but new ones. I haven’t even done that yet. The old ones are working well so far. 卢克·唐纳德期待“大事件” 从唐纳德日记中看到BIG EVENTS的字眼时,我最初想到的只是任贤齐、陈慧琳在《大事件》中的对峙场景,以及杜琪峰特地安排枪手们一定要保持怒睁双眼的那份苍凉。 而在唐纳德的字典里,“大事件”却充满着罗曼蒂克的味道。从中可以看出卢克·唐纳德是一个上进青年,原因有二:他真心期待6月24日步入婚姻殿堂的那一刻;他更加真心期待用结婚前一周美国公开赛冠军奖杯,作为自己的新婚礼物。能够期待如此大事件的年轻人不多了,就通常人的思维而言,要么沦为结婚狂,要么就决口不提爱情。大赛将至,放出捧着冠军奖杯去参加婚礼的豪言壮语,这份气量非常人所及。 卢克却在日记中详细回忆了去年美国大师赛最后一轮上与老虎同场竞技的点点滴滴。从日记中可以看出唐纳德已经能坦然面对当初,他说自己处于紧张的压力之下,就只能盯着草皮看了。也许这就是卢克唐纳德与冠军失之交臂的原因。 唐纳德的这篇日记简直就是一部充满了蒙太奇色彩的电影。 我依稀看到了曾经还是业余身份的小唐同学在人群之中、伸着头看自己的偶像Faldo挥杆。镜头突然一转,希腊某个教堂里嘉宾云集、为一双新人送上祝福。随着一个大礼包的打开,大师赛冠军奖杯闪耀的光环、再次将人们的视线拉回到了高尔夫球场。 镜头再次从球场拉回到室内,唐纳德向心理咨询师倾诉自己的比赛心得。从美国公开赛的反省,到接受媒体记者的访问,再回到询问自己为什么没有获得冠军。唐纳德描述的语气有些低沉,直到他提起那记60英尺的长推。 文章最后的收尾颇有些蓄势待发的意味,更换的推杆可以帮助我完成15英尺之外的直线球、唯一需要更换的挖起杆也是运作正常。既然一切在控制范围之内,美国公开赛冠军又何尝不能一试呢?(王通)
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