
15/9 Robredo After Match Press Conference

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年09月15日23:10  China Open

  R: Congratulations on your success. When you were playing, your opponent often sneaked to the net, was it because your returning the ball was nearer to the net? Tomorrow you will play against Gonzalez, will you change your strategy?

  Robredo: No. Every match is different. Every player is different. I just want to play my game and reach my good level.

  R: You made two mistakes when you were smashing the ball. Was it because of the light in the court?

  Robredo: Yes. It was so light that I couldn’t see the ball clearly. You had to watch up and felt that it was coming. You didn’t know where it is. It was the same to my opponent. He missed some points because of that too. That was why I hit some big lobs and saw if he could get it. It was tough.

  R: This week there is another clay court tournament in Romania and you say you are good in the clay court. Why do you choose to play hard court in Beijing?

  Robredo: I like China. I just come from US Open and it was hard court. I don’t want to change that. The next four tournaments are all the indoor hard court matches and it doesn’t make sense to change in one week .That’s why I ‘m here. It’s nice to be here and people here are nice.


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