外国友人感受奥运改变:北京更干净了 人们更热情了(2)http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年04月28日11:28 新京报
Rachel Auener Nationality:British 国籍:英国 Occupation: Dentist 职业:牙医 Beijing is now much cleaner because of the Olympic games.Other nationalities will be interested in coming to China.But there's more need to be done.City has a lot of air pollution still which is hard for some westerners,as well as smoking. 奥林匹克让北京变得更干净了,其他国家的人都会乐意来中国,但是中国还有很多事情需要做,比如空气质量和抽烟问题依然让很多西方人难以接受。 Nvaj Svenason Nationality:Sweden 国籍:瑞典 Occupation:Teacher 职业:教师 I think the peoples here are more and more nice.When I get on the bus,and the people who have a seat stand up and say "please" to me. It's really happy to see this. 这里的人们更加热情了。当我坐公交时,人们看到我会对我说“请坐”,我很高兴看到这点。 Russell Sincock Nationality:Australian 国籍:澳大利亚 Occupation:Accountant 职业:会计师 I've been in Beijing in 1999.There is a big change,a crowded change.The city is now opening to the world.As a result,the world could know Beijing better. 我1999年就在北京了,这里有很大变化,这座城市现在很开放了,这样,世界可以更好地了解北京。 Martin Noordam Nationality:Netherlands 国籍:荷兰 Occupation:Business 职业:经商 Olympic games will change the living of chinese people.But a lot of Chinese doesn't speak English. So the language may be problem for the games.A lot of traffic also be the problem for other nationalities,I think. 奥林匹克改变了很多中国人的生活,不过很多人还是不会说英语,语言将是奥运会上最大的问题,我想交通问题也将会困扰很多外国人。 Macauley Nationality:Scotland 国籍:(英国)苏格兰 Occupation:Photographer 职业:摄影师 The Olympic games is coming,there are more and more cars,and some new buildings. For me,is harder to get a word visa.The price of house is too ecpensive now.I'm living at ShuangJing,it's 4500 yuan a month.Last year,only need 3000 yuan. 奥运会就要来了,车和新建筑都越来越多,对我来说,得到一个工作许可更难了。而且房价现在太高了,我住在双井,一个月4500元,去年每个月只要3000元。 朴中正 Nationality:Korea 国籍:韩国 Occupation:Reporter 职业:记者 It's more and more Korean in Beijing,mix is croud with Korean.And the management is Strictly,when I go outside I will check if take my ID card. 北京有越来越多的韩国人,MIX里就快成韩国人的天下了。现在管理变严格了,每次我出门之前都要检查自己是不是带了身份证。 新浪体育独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供新浪使用,未经授权,任何媒体和个人不得全部或部分转载。 不支持Flash