
Mission Hills Milestones

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月27日17:43  新浪体育


Construction begins on theMission Hills complex; over 180 million cubic meters of dirt – or a volumeequivalent to filling Beijing’sOlympic Stadium “the Bird’s Nest” 36 times – is moved to create the resort we knowtoday.


The Mission Hills GolfClub, the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality and the InternationalGolf Association (IGA) signed an agreement at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, appointing theMission Hills to be the official venue for the 41st World Cup of Golf Final.

China Sports Foundationinitiated by Dr. David Chu was officially established. His great contributionto the establishment and fund-raising of the foundation included sponsoring thetraining of China’s YouthSoccer Team in Brazil.

Mission Hills startsoperations with the opening of its Jack Nicklaus’ “World Cup Course”; the course is China’sfirst to be accredited by the Federation of Golf and quickly gains criticalacclaim as one of Asia’s best championshipcourses.

The Mission Hills Golf Clubhosted the Gary Player Charity Golf Tournament. The Competition was held at thefirst ever 18-holegolf course at the Mission Hills and successfully raisedUS$50,000 for the benefit of the poor children in South Africa.

Champion golfer, GaryPlayer, hosts the Gary Player Charity Golf Tournament at a brand new MissionHills.


The Volvo China Tour andCoca-Cola Open are some of the first big golf events to be hosted at MissionHills.  

Mission Hills hosts the41st World Cup of Golf on its Jack Nicklaus course; the event marks the firsttime for Chinato host a major international golf tournament.


The opening of the MissionHills Country Club the tennis center inside the Country Club features threekinds of International Tennis Federation approved flooring material includinghard, soft and grass surfaces, and another 8 courts newly introduced to China.

The first Mission HillsChina Sport Estate Economic Conference was rolled out. The China ReformFoundation (CRF) Chief Secretary Fan Gang, Post Graduate Tutor Liu Wei of thePeking University Economic Faculty, State-owned Assets Administrative OfficeScience Research Center Director Wei Jie,State Economic andTrade Commission General Director Ma Jiantang, State Sport Reform CommitteeGeneral Vice-Director Fan Hengshan and the Research Office of the State CouncilMacro Vice-Director Li Xiaoxi made their presence at the conference. During theevent, Dr David Chu, J.P. presented his thesis titled “Sport Estate is on theRoad to Become a New Center Point for The Economic Growth of China”.

The Mission Hills Resortwas graded as a five-star resort. Established as a part of the Mission Hillfacilities, the resort was officially ranked a five-star resort following ayear-long appraisal. This is the first five-star resort in the outskirts ofShenzhen.

Mission Hills’ “Vijay Course”designed by the Fijian golf legend Vijay Singh opens as the resort’s second18-hole layout.


The 98’InternationalWomen’s Tennis Challenge was held at the Mission Hills Country Club. The98’International Women’s Tennis Challenge was part of the Professional Women’s TennisTournament Series organized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).Nearly 70 women tennis players from five continents, including contestants fromChina,were invited to join this tournament to compete for the single and double tennischampion. Korean player Jin Yinxia beat her Chinese competitor Yi Jingxi by 2:0and won the champion of the single. The Champion and the first runner up forthe double went to Katherine (Australia)andJin Yinxia (Korea), and Biggs (Australia)and Tomomi(Japan)respectively.

Standard full time primaryschools were established, funded by donations from the Mission Hills Group inunder developed areas such as Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhouand Shangxi, so as to enhance their basic education level, providing solid assistanceto create a good education condition for the poverty.

Jumbo Ozaki of Japan completeshis layout at Mission Hills to create the resort’s third 18-holelayout known asthe “Ozaki Course”.

Mission Hills hosts the JohnnieWalker Super Tour.


Davis Cup Tennis AsiaRegion was held at the Mission Hills Country Club. The China home team lost to New Zealand at2:3. Davis Cup is held annually between men’s team as the top game in thetennis field in the world. The 100th anniversary of Davis Cup coincided withthe turn of the century.

The opening of the fourth18-hole golf course at Mission Hills. This magnificent venue was designed bythe golf star Nick Faldo.

The ISO14000 EnvironmentalManagement System was put to trial at the Mission Hills, making the club thefirst one in Chinato introduce ISO14001 into operation.

The Mission Hills Golf Clubpassed the Quality Environment Certificate of ISO14000 Environmental ManagementSystem Certification Center.

The Omega Asia PGAChampionship was held at the Mission Hills.

Mission Hills’ 51-courttennis complex at the Country Club hosts the Centennial Davis Cup, celebratingthe tennis event’s 100th anniversary.


The Mission Hills Golf Clubwas rated as “China AAAA Tourist and Vacation Zone”.

Vijay Course designer VijaySingh visited Mission Hills to inspect the construction progress of the NewValley Course. The “Golf Technical Challenge” was held during his visit.

Designer Ernie Els paid avisit to Mission Hills.


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