
Liao continues OOM mission at Tianjin(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月23日20:04  新浪体育

  Liao, who won his maiden Tour victory at May’s Sofitel Golf Championship in Nanjing, was China’s top finisher in this month’s Qingdao Golf Open, co-sanctioned by the China Golf Association and the European Challenge Tour.

  “I’ve felt really confident about my game since winning the Sofitel in May and feel good after also playing well at Luxehills. I played well in Qingdao to shoot even-par, although the European players were at a far higher level than us,” Liao said.

  Yuan, the Tour’s longest hitter, is also in good form after finishing third at Luxehills, where on the final day he presented the biggest threat to Tsai, a former Asian Tour regular, before falling away in the final four holes.

  “I’ve felt more confident about my game in the last couple of months and I think this showed in Chengdu. Now, I know I can control my temper when I hit bad shots and just get on with the next hole,” said the Guangzhou-based 29-year-old, who’s still searching for his first victory on Tour.

  “I realise I’ve lost so many times from winning positions because of my mental game. I really want to win one of these last two tournaments on this year’s Tour because it’s now three years since I last won an event,” he added in reference to his win in the 2005 Royal Orchid China Classic.

  Veteran Liu Guojie was the only Chinese player to make the cut in both Qingdao and Korea, although the 41-year-old is worried he may be tiring in his fourth successive week of tournament play.

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