
Huang looks to lift Luxehills trophy for his son(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:24  新浪体育

  Tsai, only the third player to have won Chinese Taipei’s three ‘Majors’ during his career, believes he will have his work cut out trying to follow the lead of compatriots Lu Wen-teh and Hsu Mong-nan, who won this year’s Kunming and Shanghai championships respectively.

  “This will be my third event on the Tour, but the players have improved so much since I played for the first time in Shanghai last year, so I’m just looking to do well,” said Tsai, who is based in Shanghai.

  Liao Guiming’s dramatic play-off victory over Zhang in May’s Sofitel Golf Championship, held the week after Shanghai, secured his first victory on Tour and made him the fifth different champion in the season’s first five tournaments. Liao currently lies second in the Omega Order of Merit behind Zhang and ahead of third-placed Li.

  Hong Kong-based James Stewart, one of the foreign PGA members to qualify for this year’s Tour, says he’s also hoping to continue the recent run of first-time winners.

  “I’d like to be the first foreigner, or ‘white guy’, to win on the Omega China Tour,” the 33-year-old said. “I went through a rough patch at the beginning of the year and I’m gradually getting my game back on track, so would like to think that I could play better in upcoming events. I’ve been working hard on my game and would be delighted to see the work pay off.”

  Luxehills, which announced its title sponsorship of the event earlier this year, is fast gaining recognition as one of China’s top golf clubs and will play host to the country’s Ninth National Golf Clubs General Managers Conference from October 13-16.

  Along with its 18-hole championship layout, the club also boasts a 42-bay driving range and multi-function practice facilities designed by JMP Golf Design Group, while other attractions include seven tennis courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and a gymnasium.

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