
Huang looks to lift Luxehills trophy for his son

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:24  新浪体育

  Huang Mingjie has a small but special reason for wanting to win his first Omega China Tour victory at this week’s Luxehills Golf Championship in his native Chengdu. The baby-faced 27-year-old wants to give the trophy to his first child, Tianqi, who was born on June 29.

  Huang’s chances of becoming the fourth successive first-time winner on the Tour have improved due to the absence of Zhang Lianwei and Li Chao, who are both competing in the Omega European Masters in Switzerland. Between them, Zhang and Li have won 14 of the 23 events played since the circuit’s inauguration in 2005, including the first two events of 2008.

  “I’m very happy to be a father and I want to give the trophy to my son if I win. I’ll try my best to win this week, but even though Zhang and Li are not playing, there are many other good players,” said Huang, a top-five finisher in the Omega Order of Merit for the past two seasons.

  “I didn’t play well in the first half of the year, so I’m looking to play better in front my home fans this week and rise up the Omega Order of Merit. In fact, my son could be among the crowds this weekend.”

  The RMB800,000 event, which was postponed from its original June dates due to the Sichuan Earthquake on May 12, will be contested from September 4-7 over the 7,335-yard, Mark Hollinger-designed layout at the Luxehills International Country Club.

  Chinese Taipei stars Tsai Chi-huang and Chou Hung-nan and Hong Kong pros Wong Woon-man and Yau Sui-ming are among the invites for the sixth event of this year’s Omega China Tour, which resumes following a three-month break for the Olympics.

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