CRC外援吊唁信悼念徐浪:他的才能赢得国际车手赞誉http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年07月04日15:51 新浪体育
新浪体育讯 7月3日上午7:20,在“穿越东方”越野拉力赛上遭遇意外不幸身亡的中国著名车手徐浪的遗体告别仪式在他的家乡浙江省武义县殡仪馆举行,来自北京、上海、昆明、贵阳、山西、广州、深圳、郑州等地的各路朋友齐聚武义,为中国飞车王徐浪送行。在徐浪发生不幸之后,很多曾经在中国拉力赛场征战过得、与徐浪有着身后友谊的外籍车手也纷纷发来了吊唁信悼念,具体如下: 杰西-威利马凯 2005年亚太拉力赛总冠军、车手杰西-威利马凯先生(Jussi Valimaki)/ 领航雅科-开力欧来普(Jarkko Kalliolepo): 原文:Me and Jarkko K. are very sad because this unnecessary tragedy.Please tell our support to Xu Lang’s family and people around him!Rest in peace! Jussi & Jarkko Wed, 18 Jun 2008 14:17:59 +0300 (EEST) 译文:这一悲剧难以接受,令我与雅科-开力欧来普非常悲伤。请向徐浪的家人及他生前友人转达我们的慰问。安息吧,徐浪! 杰西-威利马凯 雅科-开力欧来普 2008年6月18日 雅科-米蒂宁 徐浪在红河车队的前队友、三菱年度车手、芬兰车手雅科-米蒂宁先生(JARKKO MIETTINEN)/领航米科-马库拉先生(MIKKO MARKKULA): 原文:I am very sad to hear this news. We are very shocked with Mikko here in Romania. I liked him so much and we had so much fun always. We will miss him! Say greetings to his family. Jarkko and MikkoWed, 18 Jun 2008 21:03:32 +0300 译文:惊闻噩耗,悲痛异常。我与米科现在罗马尼亚,深感极度震惊。他让人如此喜爱,我们在一起时又总是那么开心。我们会怀念他!请代向他的家人问候。 雅科-米蒂宁 米科-马库拉 2008年6月18日 戴尔-莫斯盖特(左) 曾经在中国拉力赛中担任徐浪领航员的澳大利亚冠军领航员戴尔-莫斯盖特先生(DALE MOSCATT): 原文:I'm sure you will know how deeply I was saddened to hear of this tragic news. As you know Xu Lang and I had met many years ago and became close friends, although we had different ideas of what we wanted out of rallies we did always stay close friends (even after we did not rally in the same car anymore) we always enjoyed so many good times together both as a partnership and as friendly rivals. 不支持Flash