新浪体育讯 北京时间8月3日消息,中国金花彭帅上周世界排名升至第16位创个人新高。本周她的排名虽然小跌一位,但是这并没有影响到她的自信。目前以4号种子身份出战美国圣迭戈站比赛的彭帅在接受路透社的记者采访时称,她希望有一天也能创下像同胞李娜(微博)夺得法网那样的壮举。
Aug 2 (Reuters) - China's Peng Shuaientered the U.S. hard court season with a career-high rankingand now holds hopes of some day matching the heroics of hertrailblazing countrywoman, Li Na。
Li became the first Chinese to win a grand slam singlestitle when she took the French Open in June, winning worldwideacclaim and marking another milestone in China's rapid rise as aforce in the women's game。
Twenty-five year-old Peng, long a stable-mate of Li's intheir country's rigid Soviet-style sport system, has taken heartat her compatriot's triumph at Roland Garros at the age of 29,and believes she might be in for some late blooming herself。
"I think Asian players grow up later," Peng, who has soaredto 17 from a world ranking of 72 at the start of the year, tolda small group of reporters at the San Diego Open。
"It took me five years to break the top 20 but I'm reallyhappy I never gave up." Like lion-hearted Li and Zheng Jie, who became China's firstgrand slam singles semi-finalist at Wimbledon in 2008, Peng hasprospered from the Chinese Tennis Association's landmarkdecision in 2009 to allow its top women players to organisetheir own touring, coaches and training programmes。
Where all but a handful of elite Chinese athletes aresubject to gruelling training regimes and must surrender a largeshare of their earnings to the state that nurtured theircareers, Peng can keep most of her winnings and has enjoyedrenewing her relationship with coach Alan Ma。
Ma guided a teenaged Peng into the top 50 in his firstcoaching stint in 2004-05 and has helped her become the thirdChinese player after Li and Zheng to crack the top 20 sincetaking over again last July。
"The last few years weren't stable for me because I hadinjuries and changed coaches so many times, but now it's allcoming together," said Peng, who broke now ground for herself bymaking the fourth rounds of the Australian Open and Wimbledonthis year。
"Alan and I understand and trust each other a lot. The coachis the mirror [of yourself]."
Peng said Li's win at Roland Garros was huge in her countryand had inspired a lot of people to take up the sport。
She now hopes her hard-hitting game can help China break newground at the U.S. Open starting Aug. 29, where no Chinese hasmade the last four。
"A grand slam title is every player's dream but I reallyjust want to try my best," said Peng。
Editing by Ian Ransom; To query or comment on this storyemail