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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年08月15日20:15 新浪体育

马富生 查看全部体育图片 循环图片

  现任NBA中国区总经理的马富生(Mark Fischer)先生,目前正驻于NBA的北京办事处,专责在中国发展及推广NBA的品牌,篮球运动,以及NBA在中国的多项业务。马富生先生同时管理NBA在北京及上海的办事处,以及NBA在中国的电视转播与新媒体、市场合作伙伴、球迷活动,与及商品授权等业务。而他亦负责管理超过二十位分别在北京及上海的NBA员工。


  在加入NBA 之前,马富生先生曾担任位于北京的Richina Media Holdings Ltd.的副总裁,主要负责拓展及管理多种于中国出版的杂志、广告发行以及体育行销等各方面的计划。马富生先生更直接促成多本外国杂志的中文版的诞生,其中包括“科技时代(Popular Science)”及“1996-97年度NBA赛季导读”。他亦曾出任福特汽车公司(中国)的市场顾问,专责研究福特就中国篮球及足球联赛的赞助事宜。

  自1988至93年,马富生先生出任跨国电子产品生产机构(Capetronic Corporation)高雄公司的业务经理,其后获派往台北,出任远东区销售及市场行销总监。1985年,马富生先生曾为台湾银行参加半职业联赛;1987年则为 幸福水泥作赛。于1985至88年在台北工作时,他亦曾担任贸易记者及出入口商人。



  Managing Director

  NBA China

  As Managing Director of NBA China, Mark Fischer has led the rapid expansion of the National Basketball Association’s presence and activities in the world’s most populous basketball market since 2002. Mr. Fischer is responsible for developing the NBA brand, the sport of basketball, and the NBA’s various business segments in China, including television and interactive media, marketing partnerships, events and grassroots programs, and licensed merchandise. He also oversees more than two dozen staff in the league's Beijing and Shanghai offices.

  Mr. Fischer joined the NBA in March 1997 and formally established NBA Taiwan Limited in August 1997. Then based in Taipei, he began developing the league’s marketing and licensing initiatives in China in 1998. In November 1999, Fischer was promoted to Senior Director of Marketing Partnerships and Events for NBA Asia, Ltd., a regional position based in Hong Kong.

  Before joining the NBA, Mr. Fischer was Vice President of Richina Media Holdings Ltd. in Beijing, where he established and managed several China-based publishing and media ventures, including the Chinese editions of Popular Science magazine and a guide to the 1996-97 NBA season; and an advertising and sports marketing agency.

  From 1988-93, he worked for Capetronic Corporation, a multinational electronics manufacturer, initially as Business Manager of their Kaohsiung, Taiwan factory and subsequently in Taipei, as Director of Far East Sales and Marketing. Mr. Fischer also played semi-pro basketball while working in Taipei as a trade journalist and import/export trader from 1985-88.

  Mr. Fischer is a 1995 graduate of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, where he earned a mid-career master's degree in Public Administration (MPA). He graduated with a bachelor's degree in History from the University of Michigan in 1982.

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