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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年08月15日16:39 新浪体育

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  Mr. Shao Shiwei is the spokesman for the Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) and serves as the deputy director of BOCOG Media and Communications department.

  Mr. Shao Shiwei was born on May 5, 1956. In 1982, he graduated from Beijing University of Physical Education with a bachelor degree in Pedagogy. In the October of the same year, Mr. Shao joined the former State Commission for Physical Culture and Sport(it’s name has been changed into the State General Administration of Sports since 1998) and started his career in media and communications for sports. He has served several posts, including chief for News Division and chief for Teaching Division. His main responsibility was IOC related sports culture activities and other media liaison work.

  In 1990, he was commissioned to work for the organizing committee for the Asian Games in Beijing and participated in the planning and organization of the media events and media services.

  During the period from 1990 to 1998, Mr. Shao Shiwei actually participated in all of the intercontinental and world Championships held in China where he worked as an organizer for the media events and media service.

  Mr. Shao Shiwei also served as the press attachéfor the Chinese Sports Team in many key international sports events, which include Hiroshima (Japan) Asian Games in 1994, Nagano(Japan) Winter Olympic Games in 1998 and Sydney Olympic Games in 2000.

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