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daniellover:Lleyton Love you for ever!!

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年01月25日01:27 新浪体育沙龙网友

为他的一举一动而牵动 点击此处查看其它图片

  For titles he is in the hunt

  He had a little argument

  With a Spanish man

  Who smashed a ball into his head

  Of Corretja I am not a fan

  The mark remains upon his cap

  Where Lleyton got hit in the head

  But instead of throwing it back at him

  Lleyton won the match instead

  I never will forget the day

  When he won the final of Stella

  He walloped old Pete Sampras

  And made him look like an old fella

  Another match that comes to mind

  Was in the French Open last year

  Canas was up to sets

  And I started to fear

  I had to take the day off work

  Because it got too late to play

  But Lleyton turned the match around

  On that Monday in May

  I have taken a lot of holidays

  To watch this fave of mine

  Because I know he tries his best

  Every single time

  Every game he starts to play

  He gives his very best

  And even Andre Agassi

  Finds Lleyton a very big test

  Tim Henman could not beat him

  Of this there is no doubt

  Because he just not as good

  As all of England found out

  Poor old Lleyton lost his match

  At Wimbledon last time

  To horrible old Escude

  I think this was a crime

  It spoilt the whole tournament

  With no-one left to support

  We had to cheer for Pat Rafter

  As he is an Aussie as well we thought

  I had to write this little poem

  To say how much we feel

  About Lleyton Hewit who is the best

  To us he is the real deal

  So good luck Lleyton in all you do

  You have already achieved a lot

  Being number one at your young age

  You really are quite hot

  I hope you win Wimbledon

  One day before too long

  And stay at number one forever

  You know it is where you belong


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