
http://sports.sina.com.cn  2014年03月27日00:14  新浪户外微博 收藏本文  

起始:Kinloch Domain 至 CP1 Whakaipo Bay (16.4km)

1起始:Kinloch Domain to CP1 Whakaipo Bay (16.4km)

  The trail starts from the picturesque town of Kinloch and immediately takes in the scenic W2K track (Whakaipo to Kinloch). The trail is well formed and easy to navigate and teams can expect stunning sunrise views over Lake Taupo。


  CP1 Whakaipo Bay 至 CP2 Scoria Road (13.2km)

2CP1 Whakaipo Bay 至 CP2 Scoria Road (13.2km)

  The trail leaves the Lake side and cuts through a series of private farms, including a trig point (yes that means a bit of a climb) before descending down through a Scoria Quarry toward the flat Pohipi Road section. Participants can expect farm paddocks, multiple stiles, a small pine forest and gravel roads in this leg。


  CP2 Scoria Road 至 CP3 Oruanui Pony Club (10.2km)

3CP2 Scoria Road 至 CP3 Oruanui Pony Club (10.2km)

  After a short stint along the side of Wairakei Road, the trail heads off road again and involves many twists and turns through the large Wairakei Forest. Participants can expect views over Craters if the Moon geothermal area before climbing and descending a number of times over farm land before reaching Checkpoint Three。


  CP3 Oruanui Pony Club 至 CP4 Tongariro Domain (14.0km)

4CP3 Oruanui Pony Club 至 CP4 Tongariro Domain (14.0km)

  A small retrace of your steps is required (to avoid a construction site) before the trail links up to a series of internal forest roads. Leg four incorporates a number of mountain bike trails, an underpass and a small roadside section。


  CP4 Tongariro Domain 至 CP5 Taupo Gliding Club (13.4km)

CP4 Tongariro Domain 至 CP5 Taupo Gliding Club (13.4km)CP4 Tongariro Domain 至 CP5 Taupo Gliding Club (13.4km)

  From the Tongariro Domain participants have the opportunity to walk along the Lake front again before joining up with a section of the East Taupo Arterial. Two underpasses and a number of paddocks lead teams to the Taupo Gliding Club. A long flat section of the course with easy terrain underfoot。

  翻译:从Tongariro Domain开始走,参与者再次有机会沿着湖走一段路。两个地下通道和一批围场引领队伍到Taupo Gliding Club,这是一段较为平坦的赛道。

  CP5 Taupo Gliding Club 至 Aid Station, Aratiatia Dam (13.2km)

  Leg six starts off with a flat and easy walk towards Waikato River. Teams then follow the river all the way up to Aratiatia Dam. The terrain is undulating, however not technical and walkers can expect some beautiful views across the Waikato River through a mixture of native trees and pine forests。

  翻译:该条线路开始比较平坦,走到Waikato River很容易。然后各小组将沿着河流一路攀升至Aratiatia大坝。这一段赛道地势起伏较大,但是跨过Waikato河,穿过松树林后会出现很美丽的自然景色。

  Aid Station Aratiatia Dam 至 CP6 Wairakei Resort (6.3km)

2Aid Station Aratiatia Dam 至 CP6 Wairakei Resort (6.3km)

  This short leg begins on a wide, flat vehicle dirt road; however don’t let this easy section fool you - the final km approaching Wairakei Resort is technical as the trail narrows to a single file, undulating, mountain bike track. This is a high geothermal activity area and participants must stay on the marked trails。

  翻译:这路程较短的道路开始会很宽,平坦的土路,但你不要被这一段路欺骗。 最后几公里临近Wairakei Resort是有挑战性的,因为该线会变窄,并且是单列通道,赛道起伏不定,是山地自行车赛道。

  CP6 Wairakei Resort 至 CP7 Owen Delany Park (8.4km)

2CP6 Wairakei Resort 至 CP7 Owen Delany Park (8.4km)

  Expect more stunning views over the mighty Waikato as teams meander their way back down Waikato River trails towards the Lake. Time to cross over Huka Falls before continuing down the river towards the Owen Delany Park. This section has a few bumps in it so watch your step!


  CP7 Owen Delany Park 至 Finish Tongariro Domain (4.9km)

CP7 Owen Delany Park 至 Finish Tongariro Domain (4.9km)CP7 Owen Delany Park 至 Finish Tongariro Domain (4.9km)

  The final leg. A gentle down-hill down from Owen Delany Park and a short section along the river on easy terrain before crossing Wairakei Road to the awaiting finish line。






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