
菲尔普斯向中国菲迷发致歉视频 寄言年轻人积极生活

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2009年02月12日13:20  北京晚报



  To my Chinese friends,As many of you know, I recently engaged in behavior which was regrettable and not what people have come to expect from me. (我亲爱的中国朋友们,大家已经知道,之前我做了一件让你们失望的事情,对此我感到很抱歉。)

  The past few days have been tough for me, but I've received support and encouragement online from so many Chinese friends. (过去的几天对我来说很难,但我在网上看到了那么多中国朋友们写给我的支持和鼓励的话语。)

  I will learn from these mistakes, train hard, and make you proud again. (我会从这些错误中吸取教训,努力训练,我会再次成为你们的骄傲。)

  To the young people of China, please learn a lesson from this. Be positive in life, and do the right things.(我想对中国的年轻人说,请从这件事中吸取经验教训。积极对待生活,做正确的事情。)

  But it's the warmth and forgiveness in the messages I've received from China that has really lifted me up over the past few days.(在过去的几天里,正是中国朋友们给我的温情和宽恕的留言,给了我莫大的支持。)

  Thanks again for your support and encouragement. (再次感谢你们给我的支持和鼓励。)J131

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