中国健儿组巨型明信片向世界呼吁 倡议书英文版全文 2008年04月28日15:44  新浪体育




  Today, my fellow athletes and I

  We write this letter to other athletes in the rest of the world,

  To tell you how we feel.

  We have different skin colors,

  We speak different languages,

  And live in different places of the world,

  But we’ve seen competitors in the arena become life-long friends off the field.

  It is the Games that bring us together,

  The fascination of sport,

  Eliminates cultural differences,

  Makes diversified civilizations in human society exist in mutual complement.

  It is the Games

  Unite the whole human race,

  It’s light of magnanimity,

  Illumines the tolerant heart of all citizens on the earth,

  It radiates the signal of “friendship”, “progress” and “peace”

  To every corner of the world.

  Four years of waiting…

  1,000 days of training…

  30,000 hours of preparation…

  It is our time now;

  This is our stage.

  Seas of sweats, wounds and injuries during training…

  cannot quell our yearning to transcend ourselves;

  Prejudice, bigotry…

  They cannot stop us from meeting on the field.

  It’s our stage

  Now, let’s pool together the love of the entire world through sports.

  Let the Games begin.

  Li Ning and athletes, Beijing


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