
天津泰达诚征南美官方伙伴 建立球探及经纪人体系

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2011年06月30日13:14  新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 天津泰达足球俱乐部诚征官方合作伙伴







  Tianjin TEDA FC is seeking Official Partner in South America

  TEDA FC is establishing Global Scouting and Sourcing System in order to improve the quality and efficiency of international transfer and to maximize the globalization of it's sports operation. Now, we are in owe of an Official Partner in South America。

  Targets: Resident representative or professional sports management companies that covers a certain country or multiple regions in South America. Our ideal candidates are required to possess particularly in-detail knowledge of local football clubs, players, competitions, football market and have thorough info sources and PR resources. Besides, actual experiences as professional football player, coach, scout, club management and hands-on experiences of international transfer of football players transaction is highly preferred。

  Job Description: Players' files and info collection and process, observation of training and games, evaluation of players, report compiling, transfer operate, club PR establishment and maintenance, youth and talent development and commercial expansion based on football。

  We offer attractive remuneration and opportunities to the interested parties who have passion on football and meet our requirements. Welcome to join us and to be part of the success of Tianjin TEDA FC and to be a driving power of the development of Chinese football

  Tianjin TEDA Football Club

  June 2011



相关专题:2011赛季中超联赛专题  中超积分榜

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