
埃尔斯日记:球场多难数据说话 周末赛将更有意思

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2012年08月12日00:49  新浪体育微博

  新浪体育讯   北京时间8月11日消息:美国PGA锦标赛第二轮比赛在基洼岛高尔夫俱乐部结束,全天仅有5人交出红字成绩。英国公开赛冠军埃尔斯挑战PGA锦标赛,次轮交出75杆,两轮成绩147杆,7杆落后领先者进入决赛。

    埃尔斯获得过19场美巡赛冠军,其中有四场是大满贯赛:1994年美国公开赛、1997年美国公开赛、2002年英国公开赛和2012年英国公开赛。美国PGA锦标赛是埃尔斯唯一没有染指冠军 的两个大满贯赛之一。埃尔斯从1992年第一次参加这场号称“荣誉的最后一击”的比赛,17次出现在这场大满贯赛场,有五次打入前十名,最好成绩是第三名 (1995年并列第三、2007年第三名)。

    赛后,埃尔斯通过新浪高尔夫频道,为中国球迷带来独家的现场报道第三篇[第一篇 第二篇],以下是译文:




  开球之前,我曾跟球童Ricci Roberts说过,如果整天风都保持这样的状态,那么36洞打平标准杆,进入周末时,那也是一个不错的数字。我的估计几乎准确无误。标准杆点上,过半选手都在前十边缘。我的成绩是超标准杆3杆,显然距离我想的还差一点,当然我不在其中。不过,有时候高尔夫真是个疯狂的运动,什么都有可能发生。



  All the early starters on Friday, which included me, wouldhave been hoping to catch a good break with the weather and get Kiawah infairly benign conditions just like it was the previous morning. Kiawah wasobviously done with being nice, though. Now it was going to show its teeth!

  It was certainly blowing pretty hard when Bubba, WebbSimpson and myself started our rounds from the 10th tee at 8.00am. And itdidn’t really let up. This is a tough golf course on a calm day, but when thewind is gusting up to 30mph, man it is just brutal. I hit it nicely and did alot of good things, but conditions being the way they were shots could easilyslip through your fingers. I shot 75. I could have maybe saved a few shots hereand there but, to be honest, that was a decent score on the day。

  So, how tough was it? Well, the numbers speak volumes. Onlyone golfer broke 70 all day. That was Vijay Singh who shot 69. Trust me thatwas a seriously good round of golf out there. More than 40 players failed tobreak 80. The average score was 78, which I’m told is the highest in thehistory of the PGA Championship。

  I said to my caddie Ricci Roberts at the start of the roundthat if the wind stays like this all day then a level par 36-hole aggregatemight be a pretty good number going into the weekend. That prediction waspretty much on the money. At the halfway point level par is good enough to beon the fringes of the top-10. I’m on three over par. Obviously it is a littlefurther back than I’d want to be, but I’m definitely not out of it. Golf is acrazy game sometimes and anything can happen。

  We’re in for a very interesting weekend. Pete Dye coursesalways make you think. It’s never a case of just bombing it. Also, if you missyour spots you get penalized severely. That’s definitely a Pete Dye signature,perhaps more so than any other modern course designer. This is a fair test ofgolf, though, and the course is in perfect shape. If I continue to play wellhopefully I can get myself into the mix again. - Ernie Els


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