新浪体育讯 中国女子职业高尔夫球巡回赛自2009年正式成立至今已步入第3个赛季,为了与国际接轨,早日加入世界高尔夫积分体系。在中高协的批准下,2011年中国女子职业巡回赛将对港澳台及外籍球员采取新的开放办法,具体如下:女子中巡赛港澳台地区及国际球员资格赛竞赛规程
China LPGA Tour has entered the third season since 2009, for the sake of to be synchronized internationally and joining the world golf rankings, with authority of the China Golf Association, 2011 China LPGA Tour will open new fields for international players as following:
1. 2011年中国女子职业高尔夫球巡回赛非联合审批赛事向世界积分系统内的各成员巡回赛组织(包括美巡、欧巡、日巡、韩巡、澳大利亚巡回赛),各开放5个名额。
Each membership tour(LPGA,LET,JLPGA,KLPGA,Australia LPGA Tour)of world golf rankings organization could have 5 spots in 2011 China LPGA Tour events(excluding co-sanctioned events) 。
2. 在2011年3月28日至4月3日将为港澳台及国际球员举行2011年中国女子职业巡回赛的资格考试,该资格考试与上海精英赛合并同时进行。三轮比赛结束后,在港澳台及国际球员中排名前20(不含并列)的可以获得该年度中国女子职业巡回赛的参赛资格。如报名的港澳台及国际球员数量不足20人,则所有报名的球员都将获得该年度中国女子职业巡回赛参赛资格。如两轮比赛后晋级决赛的港澳台及国际球员不足20人,则剩余名额根据两轮预赛的成绩决定。具体参赛规则及注意事项请参考2011年中国女子职业巡回赛资格赛竞赛规程。
On March 28th - April 3rd, there will be a Q-school for international players. The Q-school will be held with Shanghai Classic at the same time. After three rounds, top 20 of international players (excluding tie) will be qualified. All international players will have qualification of playing in 2011 China LPGA Tour provided the entries are no more than 20. If there are less than 20 international players making into the final round, then the rest entries will be determined by first two rounds results. In avoidance of doubts, please refer to conditions of competition on Q-school of 2011 China LPGA Tour for other details。