A lot of people still hold the intention of sending theirchildren abroad for studying sports like tennis, football, etc. However, it isnot necessary to do so if you want to learn golf. Since the announcement of theopening of Hank HaneyGolf Academyin Mission Hills Haikou on Oct 28, Hank Haney will continue his legendarycoaching career in Chinaby this academy.
The Hank Haney Golf Academy takes up 2000square meters. It has the advanced indoor training center which contains 10swinging positions with the most advanced JC video swing, SAMS putting analyticinstrument and 3D animation analytic instrument respectively. The academy alsohas the outdoor real grass driving range and multi-functional quarter buttarea, for enhancing the students’ skills by aiming at individual’s problem.
Hank Haney said, ‘ The core of the success of golf teachingdepends on the coach and his training plan. Hank Haney Golf Academybrings together those golf elites from worldwide, some of the coaches havelearnt from me or worked with me for more than 20 years. It is very excitingthat we can bring our knowledge to China.’ In fact, Mission Hills hasalready got two academies in Shenzhen which are run by the world’s first malecoach, David Leadbetter and the world’s first female coach Cindy Reidrespectively, and the Mission Hills Shenzhen is now the Guangdong Junior GolfTraining Base. And the founding of the Hank Haney Golf Academyis another remarkable development in the golf training for the junior. TheExecutive Director of Mission Hills, Tenniel Chu said that currently the levelin training the youth golfer in Chinais approaching Japan and Korea. It isreported that Mission Hills has made a great contribution in the juniorgolfers’ training by holding world-class tournaments and bringing in topcoaches.