
图文-MissionHillsStarTrophy Yam-TatWah

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日10:39  新浪体育
Simon Yam Tat WahSimon Yam Tat Wah

  Simon Yam Tat Wah 任达华

  Simon Yam Tat Wah was born in Hong Kong. His Image is healthy and robust as well asgracious and amiable. . He speaks English , Mandarin and Cantonese fluently。.

  Yam’s career began as a male supermodel,before he turned to acting in the mid 1970s, when he signed with TVB, starringand co-starring in a number of TV Series prior to to start of his movie careerin 1987. He has appeared in over 180 acclaimed movies and has won numerousAwards。

  1987 -        OsmanthusAlley(桂花巷)        

  Nominated the Oscar Acadamy Award for Best Foreign Language flim

  2003 -     “LaraCroft Tomb Raider : The Cradle of life”

  Yam made hisAmerican film debut in the action packed sequel he as a adversary to AngelinaJolie. 

  2004 -       PTU:

  The9th Golden Bauhinia Awards – the Best Actor

  2006 -     Election(黑社会):

  The11th Golden Bauhinia Awards – the Best Actor

  2010 -     Echoesof the Rainbow (岁月神偷)-

  Crystal Bears and Deutsches Kinderhilfs werk Awards in Generation Kplusfor the best film at 60th Berlin Film Festivesl

  The29th Hong Kong Film Awards – the Best Actor

  Hong Kong Society Cinematographer – the most charming of the Actor

  2010 -     The New York Asian FilmFestival to honor Huang Bo – the best Actor

  2010 -     Night AndFog(天水围之夜与雾) : -

  Granada Film Festival in Spain- the bestActor 

  Yam is always on the look outto continue to make critically acclaimed films for his fans and internationalaudience。


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