
图文-MissionHillsStarTrophy Michael-Phelps

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日10:32  新浪体育
Michael PhelpsMichael Phelps


  Born June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA

  Michaelwas first introduced to the sport of swimming at the age of six when hefollowed his sisters through a water-safety class at the North BaltimoreAquatic Club. By the time Michael reached the age of 11, Coach Bob Bowmancalled a meeting with the Phelps family to discuss Michael’s unique talent in the pool. Seeing Phelps’potential, Bowman predicted thepossibility of him representing the US Team at the 2000 Summer Olympic Games.Phelps gave up all other sports, focused on his daily pool practices, and in2000 traveled to Australiato compete as the youngest Olympic male swimmer since 1932.

  At the US Spring Nationals in2001, Phelps became the youngest male swimmer to set a world record. From thatpoint on, Phelps continued to set world records in numerous events. In Barcelona in 2003, he wonfive gold medals and set an astonishing five world records. In the 2004 OlympicGames in Sydney,Phelps proved he was a top competitor, taking home six gold and two bronzemedals。

  At the last Olympic SummerGames, held in Beijing,Phelps recorded the greatest individual performance of any Olympian by winningeight gold medals and setting seven world records. In 2009, Michael won sixmedals (five gold) and broke four world records at 2009 FINA WorldChampionships. He holds the most career world records of all-time。

  Michaelestablished the Michael Phelps Foundation to promote healthy, activelives, especially for children, primarily by expanding the opportunities forparticipation in the sport of swimming. Michael agreed to donate $10,000to the Michael Phelps Foundation for every world record he sets and Speedocommitted to match each of these donations。

  TheMichael Phelps Swim School was officiallylaunched in 2009, as a learn to swim program that aims to build comfort andconfidence through imaginative instruction。


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