
图文-MissionHillsStarxTrophy McConaughey

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日10:30  新浪体育
Matthew McConaugheyMatthew McConaughey

  Matthew McConaughey

  Born November 4th,1969 in Uvalde, Texas, USA

  Born and raised in Uvalde, Texas,Matthew McConaughe played both golf and tennis in high school. He graduatedfrom the University of Texas in 1993, thesame year he landed his big breakthrough and iconic role in the film “Dazed andConfused。”

  McConaughey furtherestablished his talents as an actor in films like “Amistad” and “Contact,” andlater went on to cement himself as the heartthrob of romantic comedies in filmssuch as “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” and “Failure to Launch,” beforereturning to comedy in 2008’s “Tropic Thunder。”

  McConaughey’s foundation,the j.k. livin foundation, stemmedfrom his personal motto “just keep livin,” and is dedicated to helping teenagekids lead active lives and make healthy choices. Other humanitarian activitiesinclude rescuing pets stranded after the flooding of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina。

  McConaughey is currentlyfilming Lincoln Lawyer with MarisaTomei and Ryan Phillippe, directed by Brad Furman。


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