
图文-MissionHillsStarTrophy Rosie-Jones

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日10:25  新浪体育
Rosie JonesRosie Jones

  Rosie Jones

  Born November 13, 1959 inSanta Ana, California

  Rosie Jones started playinggolf when she was 11 years old. She won three straight New Mexico JuniorChampionships from 1974 to 1976, as well as the 1979 New Mexico StateChampionship. While attending Ohio State University, Jones was named to the NCAAAll-American team in 1981.

  She turned pro and joinedthe LPGA Tour in 1982. The first of her 13 wins was the 1987 Rail Charity GolfClassic, and her most recent win was the 2003 Asahi Ryokuken InternationalChampionship。

  In 1988, Jones co-led theLPGA Tour with three victories.  Followingher 2005 retirement from full-time competition, Jones did some broadcastingwith the Golf Channel and developed a travel and golf tourism company。

  Jones will be the captainof the US Team at the 2011 Solheim Cup. She also made seven appearances in theSolheim Cup as a player. 


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