
图文-MissionHillsStarTrophy Christian-Slater

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日10:20  新浪体育
Christian SlaterChristian Slater

  Christian Slater

  Born August 18, 1969 inNew York, New York, USA

  Christian Slater startedhis acting career in 1976, appearing on the soap opera “One Life to Live” atjust seven years old.  Slater then wenton to Broadway, performing in numerous shows including “The Music Man,”“Macbeth,” and “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” in London。

  He made his debut on thebig screen in 1985 in “The Legend of Billie Jean,” but his breakout role didnot come until four years later in the dark comedy “Heathers。” His performancesin films like “True Romance” and “Interview with a Vampire” furthered hisnotoriety within the acting world. All told he has acted in or lent his voiceto over 50 films, and most recently accepted a role on ABC’s “The Forgotten” in2009.

  Slater has also spenttime on the other side of the camera, beginning with his directorial debut withthe film “Museum of Love” in 1996, and hassince directed and produced several films. A supporter of numerous charities,including 21st Century Leaders, Global Green and Whatever It Takes,Slater has also been actively involved in Nelson Mandela’s efforts for thepromotion of AIDS awareness。


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