
图文-MissionHillsStarTrophy Annika-Sorenstam

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月29日09:57  新浪体育
Annika SorenstamAnnika Sorenstam

  Annika Sorenstam

  Born October 9, 1970 in Stockholm, Sweden

  Although she began herathletic career playing tennis, Sorenstam started playing golf at 12 years oldand turned her full attention to the sport at 16. She qualified for the SwedishJunior National Team, and her career took off from there。

  In 1990 Sorenstam wasoffered a scholarship to the University of Arizona, and in her freshman year shewon the NCAA Golf Championship and College Player of the Year. Sorenstam leftschool to play golf professionally, and qualified for the Ladies European Tourin 1993, when she was named Rookie of the Year。

  In 1994 she joined the LPGA Tour and wonRookie of the Year honors.  In 1995 she finishedin first place on the LPGA Tour Money List, and won the US Women’s Open; as aresult, Sorenstam was awarded the Vare Trophy (the first ever non-American towin the trophy) and named LPGA Player of the Year for the first of eighttimes. 

  In 1996 she again won theUS Women’s Open, the second of her 10 career major championships. In 2003Sorenstam became the first woman to play in a PGA Tour event in 58 years. Thatsame year she was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame, becoming theyoungest person ever admitted.  She won atotal of 72 times on the LPGA Tour and 17 times on the Ladies European Tour。

  Sorenstam has successfullytransitioned into the entrepreneurial world with her ANNIKA brand, whichincludes her foundation, academy, course design, financial group, apparel and accessories。


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