Mission Hills Haikou Accommodation>>
Mission Hills Blackstone Course Hole by Hole:
Haikou, Hainan Island, China
Par 73,7,808 yards
1. 428 yards, Par 4
A fairly easy opening teeshot to a wide fairway offering options for aggressive players who choose toconfront rugged bunkering. The green is perched above a ridgeline withbunkers in front and a severe drop-off long. Relatively easy to hit with alofted club but quite a challenge for drives played safely short andleft. An abundance of lava stone immediately announces you are openingplay on a very unique course.
2. 623yards, Par 5
A true, three-shotdouble-dogleg par five that will reward players with a wedge approach whoproperly negotiate the first two shots. The tee shot swings right to left arounda series of long transition bunkers to a spacious fairway that quickly narrowsfor longer hitters. A massive series of bunkers some 100 yards long sitswell below the main second-shot landing area. Pinnable flat sections onthe green are separated by distinct slopes making putting difficult if in thewrong area.
3. 462yards, Par 4
Offering multiple teeoptions, the drive must hold the center of the crowned fairway or risk fallingoff sharply to the right. A huge bunker cuts off the turn for longer playersso most second shots will come from about 150 yards. The unique green featuresa reasonably flat right side with a strong, long ridge over the left third thatwill rapidly repel balls to the left and down. A wonderful natural amphitheatersurrounds the putting surface.
4. 518 yards, Par 4
Perhaps the most difficulthole on the entire course, this long par four demands a big carry off the teeover a deep ravine. A series off airway bunkers left punish errant drives,and balls to the right drop down a severe slope leaving a blind secondshot. The green incorporates a fall away slope that will gently guideapproaches properly played up the left side. Par here is quite anaccomplishment.
5. 172 yards, Par 3
A relatively short buttreacherous hole surrounded by deep rock lows. The center of the green is thesmart play, as it offers a distinct lobe and pronounced backstop. Theupper right and back left sections may only be attacked by well-struck shots orelse disastrous results will occur. Be content with a three and move on.
6. 599yards, Par 5
Off the tee, 180 yards ofsand guards the left side but over 75 yards of fairway is availableright. The upper plateau of the second landing area is protected by anexpanse of deep bunkers and marshland right. Long tee shots riding theprevailing south winds will set up a tempting run at the green in two, but adaunting carry to an elevated green demands premium shot making. Short-ironplay from the upper plateau is the preferred option, but must find the properzone of the green to avoid awkward, long putts.
7. 398yards, Par 4
This short par four offersthree options off the tee to avoid a centerline pot bunker -- over, short orright. Left is not ideal, as an ancient rock wall ruin will swallowdrifting shots, with trees also posing problems. The small, undulatinggreen is tucked behind a cluster of Lychee trees. One of the easier holes onthe course if negotiated properly.
8. 192yards, Par 3
A medium-length par threewith a well-bunkered, reasonably flat green nestled in a natural amphitheaterof stone and mature Lychee trees. An expanse of lava rock surrounds thetees and first half of the hole but is out of play despite its intimidatinglook. Presents more bark than bite.
9. 511yards, Par 4
This long par four is verydemanding despite a massive breadth of fairway off the tee. Long tee shotsmay catch a steep speed slot that propels balls forward leaving a second shotfrom about 175 yards. The heavily-bunkered green is highlighted by a feeder slopeto access right-side pins. Four here is very good.
10. 402 yards, Par 4
Plays uphill to a perchedlanding area. Tee shots should not be too bold, as the fairway quicklydrops off sending balls toward the rock hazard. The green is cut at astrong right-to-left angle and protected front by a large, intimidatingbunker. Accurate drives will set up short-iron seconds, but carelessnesswill yield very difficult approaches from awkward stances and fairway bunkers.
11. 227yards, Par 3
A treacherous test fromelevated tees, this par three requires a draw into a deep green set right toleft around a yawning bunker. Bail-out fairway can be found right, butdeft touch is required to negotiate the putting surface’s mounded right edge.
12. 532yards, Par 5
Sweeping right to left,this reachable par 5 offers a generous fairway, favor the left side but avoidtrouble with a large sandy expanse and single mature Lychee tree. Crossbunkers set up the second shot and the elevated, undulating green is one of thecourse’s most difficult.
13. 681yards, Par 5
The second of back-to-backpar five’s is a beast. Extremely long yet wide open, play should hug theleft side as much as possible. This is especially true on second shots asapproaches must avoid a tree about 120yards from the green in the fairway’sright center. Properly played, an unobstructed short- or mid-iron will beleft to a fairly easy green surface guarded by a solitary bunker. It’s theonly hazard on the entire hole yet par will be happily accepted by all.
14. 474yards, Par 4
Turning strongly from leftto right, this long par four offers ample fairway but trees dictate properplacement. The second shot plays to a backdrop of stone and bunkers. Asteep fall-off right will punish errant approaches. The green’s prominentcontours make putting a challenge, especially to back pins.
15. 211yards, Par 3
A beautiful hole requiringa long carry over rock lows and sandy expanses to a green framed bybunkers. Back left pins are only accessible with a finessed, softly-drawntee shot. Windy conditions, exacerbated by the hole’s exposed location,make par a score to be celebrated.
16. 386yards, Par 4
A drivable par four forsome offering many options off the tee: take aim directly at the green -- andcarry the length of a large lake -- for bombers; left of the green for the morecautious; and left of the fairway bunkers for shorter hitters.
All second shots should beno more than wedges, but severe slopes and deep bunkers protect thegreen. This hole can yield small and big numbers.
17. 453yards, Par 4
Requires two precise shots.Drives must be long enough for prime positioning, but must hit the brakes as alava stone swath cuts through the hole about 125 yards short of thegreen. The small putting surface is defended by wetlands and numerousbunkers, but the back pin can be attacked by feeding balls down a slope. Fouris an excellent score.
18. 539yards, Par 5
The daunting tee shotfeatures a lengthy carry over marshland and lava rock. Long and accurate offthe tee is a must if you want to reach this green in two. The approach shotplays to a green set just above the lake edge, smart play from the left can usecontours to funnel the ball to the green. A picturesque backdrop of trees,sand and the enormous clubhouse is both intimidating and memorable. Stayfocused through the green and conclude the round on a high note.