
Mission Hills Star Trophy Format

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2010年09月27日16:51  新浪体育

   Tournament Title:

  2010 Mission Hills StarTrophy

  Tournament details:

  Day 1 Celebrity /Pro +Amateur-1st Round

  Day 2 Celebrity /Pro +Amateur-2nd Round

  Day 3 Celebrity/Pro teamcompetition & Pro individual-1st Round

  Day 4 Celebrity / Pro TeamTournament and Pro Individual – 2nd round


  Pro Am – 2 days 18 holeScramble – Thursday and Friday

  36-hole four ball best ball– Saturday and Sunday

  Pro tournament – runningsimultaneously, Stroke play


  One Pro – Winner Take All –USD 1,280,000

  One Overall Winning Team –Combined Score - USD 100,000

  Schedule :

Time Activities
Oct. 27th Wed.
0645 ~ Practice Round
1830 ~ Opening Ceremony
Oct. 28th Thu.
0730~1730 Celebrity /Pro + Amateur-1st Round
Oct. 29th Fri.
0730~1730 Celebrity /Pro + Amateur-2nd Round
Oct. 30th Sat.
0900~1630 Celebrity/Pro team competition & Pro individual-1st Round
Oct. 31st Sun.
0900~1630 Celebrity / Pro Team Tournament and Pro Individual – 2nd round
1630-1700 Prize Giving on 18th Green


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