新浪体育讯 职业赛里选手们在比赛里打几杆就算几杆,然而在一般球叙与业余赛里水准参差不齐,因此有新贝利亚制的记分方法,以算差点的方式来计算成绩。后来为了公平起见又发展新新贝利制记分法,这是目前在业余赛最常使用的记分方法
新贝利亚制计算差点方式为Par 3、Par 4、Par 5之球洞各抽取2洞共6洞不计算成绩,其余12洞成绩相加总和,乘以1.5倍,后再减去标准杆(通常为72杆),后再乘以0.8即为差点。
1. 18洞中-抽出6洞=12洞,
2. 差点=[(12洞总合杆数)×1.5 -72标准杆]×0.8
由这样的公式成绩好的被抽掉,留下杆数高打不好的洞,差点越高名次越好。但后来为了防止有人故意打多杆以获得较高之差点,球洞标准杆Par 3最高杆数以5杆计,即5杆以下照实际成绩计算,5杆以上以最高杆数5杆计。而球洞标准杆Par 4最高杆数以7杆计,球洞标准杆Par 5最高杆数以9杆计,如此差点才不会高得离谱。
新贝利亚制计算差点十分准确,一般用于球队初组成时计算每位队员的差点,但一般之比赛却较低差点者有利,在Par 3或Par 5之球洞因一般球场配置各只有4洞,被抽取的机会达到50%,因此高手会在这8洞尽可能打好,在Par 4的球洞放两、三洞打烂,如此可获得高差点,而得到低净杆和好成绩。 因此为了防止高手在Par3、Par5这8洞尽可能打好,在Par 4的球洞故意将两、三洞打烂,如此可获得高差点,而得到低净杆和好成绩,因此又发明了新新贝利亚。新新贝利亚制计算差点是随意抽取六洞,其余之12洞总和乘以1.5倍后减去标准杆(通常为72杆)后再乘以0.8即为差点。
1. 18洞-随意抽的6洞=12洞
2. 差点=[(12洞总合杆数)×1.5-72标准杆]×0.8
同样为防止有人故意打多杆以获得较高之差点,球洞标准杆Par 3、Par 4、Par 5最高杆数以5、7、9杆计。
"Peoria System"
Definition: The Peoria System is a sort of 1-day handicapping system for tournaments in which most of the golfers do not have real handicap indexes (company outings, for example)。
The Peoria System - while, like the similar Callaway System, based in certain part on luck - allows a "handicap allowance" to be determined and then applied to each golfer's score。
The tournament committee secretly selects six holes. These are usually two par 3s, two par 4s and two par 5s, and often one of each type per nine (one par 3 on the front, the other on the back nine). Competitors do not know which holes have been selected。
Groups tee off and complete their rounds, playing stroke play and scoring in the normal fashion with one exception: double par is the maximum (i.e., 8 is the maximum score on a par-4)。
Following completion of play, the six Peoria holes are announced。
Each player totals his six secret holes. That total is multiplied by 3; par is subtracted from that total; then the resulting number is multiplied by 80 percent. This is the player's allowance. The allowance is subtracted from the player's gross score and the result is the net Peoria System score。
Example: On the six holes, Player A uses 30 strokes. 30x3=90. 90 minus par-72 is 18. Eighty percent of 18 is 14 (round off). Fourteen is the allowance. Player A's gross score is 90; 90 minus 14 results in a Peoria System net score of 76。
Peoria is sometimes called Bankers System or a Bankers Handicap。
Also Known As: Peoria Scoring System, Peoria Competition, Bankers Handicap System