
Dell Championship tees off Omega China Tour

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2009年03月12日14:32  新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 March 12, 2009: The second Dell Championship in Xiamen will tee off the fifth edition of the Omega China Tour next week with a record-equalling purse of RMB1 million. The high-profile event will again be held at the Orient (Xiamen) Golf and Country Club, from March 19-22。

  Celebrating the start of its second decade of operations in China this year, Dell is delighted to renew its title sponsorship of the event in the coastal city of Xiamen, which has been home to the computer giant’s China headquarters since 1998. Dell will also continue to be a Tour Sponsor through 2009 and the circuit’s Official Computer Systems and Monitors partner。

  The RMB1 million purse equals that offered in last year’s season-ending Omega Championship and raises the profile of the computer giant’s involvement with the nationwide circuit, which teed off in 2005。

  “Dell is really proud to continue to be a partner of the China Tour and title sponsor of the Xiamen tournament for the second time,” said Peter Marrs, Marketing Director of Dell APJ. “This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase our brand to our customers in the host city of our China headquarters and to build on the success of last year’s event。”

  Last year marked the first Dell Championship in China and produced one of the season’s most exciting events, as two-time Order of Merit winner Li Chao overhauled the legendary Zhang Lianwei on the final holes to win the RMB150,000 winner’s cheque and a Dell Latitude XT tablet. This year the winner will walk away with a brand-new Dell Latitude XT2 tablet。

  “We believe golf is a great association for Dell as we like being part of a sport that’s growing in China. Golf is one of the country’s fastest-growing sports, with the number of golfers almost doubling every two years, and Dell is also growing in China,” Marrs said。

  “The Tour offers a structured, professional platform for the growing number of young Chinese professionals who have ambitions of breaking through onto the Asian and international stage. We want to help them fulfil these ambitions by supporting the Tour and its development。

  “China is already our second-biggest market behind the US and as a sponsor of the whole Tour we’ll have a continued presence throughout the circuit. According to statistical forecast, China is expected to be the world’s biggest computer market in the next decade, with the demand comparable to that of today’s top 10 buying nations combined。”

  Marrs said that Dell would add a new dimension to the information flow from the China Tour. 

  “With the excitement of golf comes the requirement for information. People want the latest scores and information immediately. Our IT solutions drive some of the major websites in China. Sina.com is one of Dell’s customers in China and is also a media partner of the Tour, which is another strong association,” he said。

  “Timely information is critical in golf, which is why technology and golf work hand in hand. As golf grows in China, the requirement for IT solutions will continue to expand and Dell's IT solutions will be a key enabler of the successful growth of golf in this country。”

  Since launching its operations in 1998, Dell has been committed to developing its economic and social impact in Xiamen and across China as it develops its in-country operations, employee base and commitment to the environment。


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