
球技-铁木杆系列(三) 用铁木杆练切球

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年11月11日09:53  新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 Stroke it like you would a putt


  Club manufactures didn’t design this club for chipping. However, if the wind is blowing hard and you want to keep the ball low, or if you have a tight lie in the fairway or a sunken lie in the rough (especially on Bermuda grass), using your hybrid is a safe choice. Grip down on the club and make a short, pendulum swing. The ball will skip toward the hole with a lot of roll. It takes practice to get comfortable with a lot of roll. It takes practice to get comfortable with the distance control, so rehearse it before using it on course. Using your putting grip and technique when you find your situation will enable you to slide the club through rather than have to cut the long grass with an iron.




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