新浪体育讯 Move the ball back in your stance
The hybrid is a perfect club to use when you’re in a fairway bunker that has a high lip (preventing you from using a fairway wood), yet is too far from the green to allow you to get on with an iron. To insure a clean hit—ball first, sand second—move the ball slightly back from its usual forward position and dig your feet into the sand(not too deeper or your feet will be too far below the ball). Keep your hips and legs still during the swing, and make sure to accelerate through to a full finish.
用铁木杆处理球道沙坑球应该是个不错的选择。特别是当沙坑的边缘较高用不上球道木杆,并且球道较长又用不上铁杆的时候,铁木杆则优势尽显。 要确保击球干净利索,即杆头先击到球再击到沙子,则需要将球放得离后脚近一些。同时,可以将双脚稍微碾一碾沙子(但不要过于深陷)。挥杆过程中保持胯部和手臂的位置不变,并且在下杆时加速到完全收杆。
Grip down on the club
Your technique in a fairway bunker should be the opposite of that in a greenside bunker: you do not want to hit the sand first. Instead, you want to pick the ball off the sand. A good way to accomplish this is to grip down on the club.