
球技-铁木杆系列(一) 用铁木杆开球

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年11月08日09:36  新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 The driver setup

  When I set up to hit my driver, I tee the ball further forward in my stance to help me catch it on the upswing. This setup also promotes a more sweeping swing, which is great for the driver but not as effective for a hybrid shot.



  The hybrid setup

  A hybrid tee shot can come in handy on along par 3 or a narrow par 4 or 5. I tee the ball low, so that it sits just slightly off the ground, and place it a couple of inches left of center in my stance. Because the shaft of a hybrid is shorter and I want to hit it more like I would a long iron. I set up closer to the ball than I would with a driver. From here I can take an effortless swing and be certain of hitting the sweet spot.





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