
Poulter inspires Xu to fast start at OCT finale(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年10月10日12:52  新浪体育

  Zhou Jun was arguably the happiest player of all after continuing his good form from last month’s Tianjin Championship, where his fourth-place finish was his best ever on the circuit.

  “Today was my first-ever bogey-free round! I’m so happy about that,” beamed the Tianjin-born 24-year-old, who enjoyed playing with former China National Team colleague Wu Kangchun. “My irons were particularly good, so I just hope I can continue like this in the second round.”

  The experienced Redfern appeared the most confident of all the front-runners, having been five-under after his 11th hole before bogeying three of his last seven.

  “I’m playing well, I’m confident and I’m here to win. This is the flagship event of the Omega China Tour, so this will be the biggest win of the year for the champion,” said Redfern, whose wife Yvette, from Hong Kong, has caddied for him throughout his rookie season on the circuit.

  “I also know that if I win I could even finish third on the Omega Order of Merit,” the Englishman added, referring to the increased RMB187,500 winner’s cheque due to the tournament’s record purse.

  Zhou Xunshu’s wife was caddying for him for the first time this season and she had the desired effect as the ex-Military Police officer and former golf course security guard rediscovered the form that led to two top-10 finishes earlier in the season.

  “I asked her to not worry about anything like reading lines or choosing clubs but just to make me laugh – and it worked out well. We just talked about our son,” beamed the powerfully built Zhou, whose first child is now six months old.

  The season-ending Omega Championship boasts the highest prize money on the eight-event Omega China Tour and concludes the race for the Omega Order of Merit. Liao Guiming can only be overtaken if third-placed Li Chao wins the event and Liao finishes outside the top three.

  The Omega Order of Merit champion will be crowned during Sunday evening’s Omega China Tour Gala Dinner at the Sofitel Wanda Beijing.

  The Omega Championship is being held for the first time at the 27-hole Longxi Hotspring Golf Club after two successful editions at the Tianan Golf Club, also in the capital, when Liang Wenchong and Zhang Lianwei emerged as champions.

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