
Longxi Hotspring to host Omega Championship

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月23日20:00  新浪体育

  This year’s Omega Championship, the Omega China Tour’s season-ending event, will be held for the first time at the 27-hole Beijing Longxi Hotspring Golf Club. The tournament will be held in Beijing from October 9-12 and will conclude the season following this week’s Tianjin Championship.

  The club, which opened in April 2004, is attached to the expansive Beijing Longxi Hotspring Resort in the capital’s Daxing District and is set to raise its profile with its Omega China Tour debut.

  “We’re really excited about hosting the Omega Championship, especially as it’s the final event of the season and will confirm the Omega Order of Merit winner,” said Gan Lianfang, Chairman of the Board of the Beijing Xingpai Group, the club’s developer.

  “Beijing Longxi has earned an excellent reputation over the past four years and hosting such a prestigious international event will help boost its profile. I know the Omega China Tour players will enjoy the course, which is one of the most beautiful and challenging in Beijing.”

  Zhang Xiaoning, Secretary General of the China Golf Association, said: “Beijing Longxi is a great course and provides another good test for our players as they continue to raise their standards on the Omega China Tour. The Tour is concluding its fourth season and the Omega Championship is one of its greatest events, so we’re looking forward to an exciting showdown.”

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