
Yuan Hao’s 66 leads Luxehills Championship(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月06日23:24  新浪体育

  The Chengdu-based 21-year-old is part of a seven-strong China National Team contingent competing at Luxehills as part of their preparation for next month’s World Amateur Team Championships for the Eisenhower Trophy in Australia.

  “After watching the Olympics, playing golf with a flag on my chest has given me extra power. I’m so confident and proud because of this,” he said, proudly displaying the red flag on the light blue shirt worn by all the team’s members.

  “I was concentrating so hard on every single shot, because I saw that kind of focus in the Chinese athletes at the Olympics,” added Zhang, one of only four Chinese players to make the cut in May’s US$1 million Pine Valley Beijing Open on the Asian Tour.

  Tsai admitted that Zhang’s blistering form had helped him raise his game over the front nine, their second, where he shot 33.

  “By our second nine, I was feeding off Zhang’s performance. He played really well. He was perfect from tee to green. He has everything and just needs to play more tournaments to gain experience,” said Tsai, one of only three players to win all three of Taiwan’s three Majors.

  “My driving was the best part of my game and my putting was starting to get there by the end of the round. I’m rediscovering my game now, so I just want to stay in touch with the leaders and try to make a move at the weekend.”

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