
Golfers proud and pumped up for Luxehills event(2)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日18:49  新浪体育

  The 25-year-old only arrived on Tuesday night from Tianjin, having progressed through the first qualifying stage for the Japan LPGA Tour in late August.

  “I’m really looking forward to playing this tournament. When my family come to watch, it will be the first time I’ve seen them since I got here. A lot of my friends will also come and support,” said the fast-rising star, who made her Ladies European Tour debut at the Evian Masters in France in late July.

  “Since the earthquake, I’ve seen that there has been a great effort to rebuild Dujiangyan, which was badly affected by the earthquake. This tournament is a great way of showing everyone that the people here are still positive and rebuilding their lives.”

  CB Fong, General Manager of Luxehills International Country Club, believed it was important for the club to host the championship, which marks the resumption of this year’s Omega China Tour following a break for the Olympics.

  “After the earthquake, we were determined to still stage the tournament to show the world that Chengdu is fine and that people are still enjoying life, still enjoying food and still enjoying sport. Chengdu remains a beautiful, charming city,” Fong said.

  “We also want to show the rest of the country that Chengdu and Sichuan have beautiful golf courses. I know all the players will have a great time this week. It’s the first time the Omega China Tour has hosted an event in Sichuan province and we believe many more golf events will be held here in the future.”

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