
Luxehills will test Omega China Tour’s finest

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日10:04  新浪体育

  Water hazards and 142 bunkers are among the challenges awaiting the Omega China Tour stars at this week’s Luxehills Golf Championship in Chengdu, which marks the resumption of the circuit following a three-month break for the Olympics.

  The RMB800,000 event, which was postponed from its original June dates due to the Sichuan Earthquake on May 12, will be held at the Luxehills International Country Club from September 4-7.

  Course designer Mark Hollinger said the 7,335-yard layout, his 10th design in China, will prove a tough but visually rewarding test as the Omega China Tour makes its first-ever appearance in Sichuan Province.

  “Luxehills has 142 bunkers and every one is different. The Tour players will need to practise their sand play because the bunkers are very challenging,” said Hollinger, who has been designing courses in China for two decades.

  “Secondly, they’ll need to hit their woods well. Players will score well if they hit their woods straight. I’m looking forward to seeing the players tackle the course.”

  Hollinger says the layout is distinguished by its location within the Luxehills International Community, a high-end real estate development, and that such a complex exemplifies the rapid development of the country’s golf industry.

  “I’ve worked in china nearly 20 years and I’ve seen golf in China grow up and develop greatly,” he said. “I’ve designed it for players of every level, although the first design priority was how to ensure the landscaping worked with the beautiful villas and that they were in view of the course.”

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