
Luxehills event will have a ‘good effect’(3)

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年07月29日16:55  新浪体育

  He believes that his fellow golfers on the Omega China Tour will enjoy playing on Luxehills’ stunning 7,335-yard championship layout, which was designed by Mark Hollinger.

  “I'm very familiar with Luxehills,” he said. “The greens are very good and several holes have beautiful tee-shots. However, the bunkers are deep with soft sand, so if your ball lands in there, you can be in trouble.”

  Luxehills, which announced its title sponsorship of the event earlier this year, also boasts a 42-bay driving range and multi-function practice facilities designed by JMP Golf Design Group, while other facilities include seven tennis courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and a gymnasium.

  The club is part of the larger Luxehills community, which includes residential villas of varying styles, including Tuscan, French, Italian and Spanish. Luxehills is developed by Chengdu Wide Horizon Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

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